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Frank had told Rusty everything, from almost killing Billy Russo at that carousel to David being reunited back with his family. And she couldn't agree more with his choice of actions, although she would have probably shot Billy by the end.

The two (and the dogs) were now packing away their things from the motel, getting them into the car, which Rusty had not seen yet. She hoped it wasn't a shitty Volkswagen Golf or something.

With a duffel bag in her unhurt arm, she walked out of the motel door with a black zip-up jumper over her frame to see one car she had not expected to see in this parking lot.

Frank stood, with a smug smile on his face, in front of a black matte Range Rover.

She limped over to him, and she couldn't hold back the smile on her face. "Did you steal this shit?"

"Not today, Rusty girl." He chuckled. She dropped the bag on the gravel and hugged Frank's waist as he explained. "I told Homeland a little something, and Dave helped me get it."

"God, Frank," Rusty pulled away from their embrace, "It's gorgeous. Thank you."

"You deserve it." He smiled before opening the boot with the key. He threw the bags that had already been waiting on the gravel into the back before shutting the boot.

Rusty was running her hands over the matte paint of the car, taking in its beauty.

"Are you gonna stare at it, or are you gonna get in?"

Rusty smiled, pulling the handle on the passenger side and opening the large door. She hopped in, sighing at the lovely feel of leather against her clothed body.

Frank whistled for Lexi and Fender to jump into the back seats after giving the motel room key to the reception, and he started the engine, the rumble surging through the whole car. Rusty smiled.

They drove out of the parking lot, letting the car run gently on the smooth highway. Rusty had loved this car since it first was released to buy for the public, and now she was sitting in it.

God, Frank knew her so well.

She was smiling to herself as she put on the radio, flicking through channels before she found a tune that she enjoyed. Born To Be Yours by Imagine Dragons was playing on a radio station, and the music filled the car as Castle looked from the road to Rusty every couple of minutes in adoration.

Although she loved it to bits, Rusty knew the car wouldn't be theirs forever. She turned to Frank. "So, when do we have to give it back."

Frank changed the gears before looking at her with a smile. He licked his lips. "Never."

"What do you mean?"

Frank chuckled his deep and gruff laugh.

Rusty's eyes widened. "It's ours?"

"It's ours." He confirmed.

The woman cheered, catching the attention of the dogs in the back and making Frank laugh again. Oh, how he loved seeing her this happy.

Rusty leant over the dashboard, kissing Frank's cheek (as he was driving) before turning up the music louder.

Frank placed his hand on Rusty's thigh and she placed her hand over his, intertwining their fingers.

"I love you, Frank Castle."

"I love you too, Rusty Mallard."

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