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Frank got back into the car and Rusty pushed Fender onto the back seats. Her friend didn't say a word, but frowned as he closed the door, looking at the steering wheel. 

"Whoa." Rusty said. "You look like you've been asked if the fucking moon was fake. You okay?"

Frank scoffed lightly, then looked at Rusty. ". . . She kissed me."

It took a minute for Rusty to realise, but her eyes widened as soon as the information hit her. "You what?!"

"Sarah kissed me."

"Wa . . . wait. Let me clear this up." Rusty said, turning her body to Frank in the passenger seat. "You were not involved - or wanted - to be in the touching of lips with Mrs Lieberman?"

"No, Rusty!" Frank raised his voice slightly as the woman's words hurt him a little. "That's David's wife for fuck's sake."

"Hey, it's not you that I don't trust, it's the alcohol I smell on you."

Frank stopped frowning now. He closed his eyes, dropping his head a little. "Sorry." He apologised. "I just . . ."

"It's okay." Rusty said quickly, not letting Frank swallow up those mixed emotions. "But maybe I should drive. At least let the alcohol clear away."


Rusty let Fender jump out of the car before closing the car door after him with a slam! She quickly looked for Lexi, who met her at the top of the steps, her leg still bandaged up. Rusty gave her the once-over, and concluded that David would still be alive that day. She pet her dog, then turned to Frank as she heard him mutter, "Jesus Christ."

David was drunk. Like, really drunk. Rusty was surprised he hadn't passed out yet - he didn't really seem like the type with a great alcohol tolerance. 

What's with today and alcoholic drinks?

Rusty rolled her eyes as David managed to lift his head off his desk. The man looked half-dead.

"I guess you saw that, huh?" Frank said.

"Why did you get her flowers?"

"'Cause I needed an excuse to be there, right?"

David scoffed as Rusty watched on. He lent back on his chair, his eyes finally opening as he looked at the ceiling. "Peonies, huh?"



"I suggested it." Rusty spoke up. "They were Maria's favourite flowers."

"Sarah's favourite, too, I guess." He chuckled, saying sarcastically, "Who knew?"

Frank shook his head a little, he passed the container of food from Sarah to David. "I brought you these. They're, uh-"

"I know what they are." David said loudly. "Thanks, Frank."

Rusty walked forward, sitting next to David. Rusty ignored the urge to cringe at the smell of alcohol coming from David. He must have had a lot. She looked at him carefully, analysing him.

"I really love these things."

Frank dropped his head, sighing. He felt bad - no he felt completely shit about what happened, and it upset Rusty to see him so discontented.  She looked at him with a little worry in her strange eyes. 

"You know, I don't, uh . . ." David spoke, grabbing the bottle again and pouring himself some more. "I don't blame you for kissing her. She's a beautiful woman."

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