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The phone stopped buzzing on the kitchen island as Rusty, Frank and David ate their breakfast. It was Sarah. David just got a talking-to from Frank, and turned on the voicemail as Rusty finished her food. 

"Hey, Pete, it's Sarah. Um, I'm really sorry to bother you. I don't mean to interrupt you if you're in the middle of something, um . . . I'm just really worried. It's Zach. I think he's planning to hurt someone. And anyway, um, if you could call me back, I would really appreciate it. Okay. Thanks."

Rusty looked up from her food and at Frank, her mouth slightly agape from the information she had just received. David sighed, just pointing to one of the cars as Frank looked at him. 

"I'll come with you." Rusty insisted. "And I'll actually be in the house this time."


The door opened, revealing a slightly worried Rusty and Frank to Sarah's view. "Hey." She said softly. 

"Hey." Frank said. "Uh, this is my friend I was telling you about on the phone."

Rusty smiled and extended her hand. "Hi, Sarah. My name is Rose."

"Hi, Rose." Sarah said, sniffling a little. "Thank you for coming."

"Yeah." Frank mumbled, so Rusty decided to take charge in this conversation.

"Thank you for letting us come." Rusty smiled genuinely, showing a little sorrow for the widow in the doorway. 

"Well, Pete said you were a doctor so. . ." Sarah chuckled.

Rusty chuckled, too. "I hope I can help in any way I can."

Sarah nodded. "Come on in."

The two entered, and Sarah closed the door after them. 

"What's going on?" Frank asked. 

Sarah sighed, looking at the two again. She looked really upset. Her hair was put up in a lazy ponytail with a few strands falling to the side of her face, and her nose was reddened while a few tears fell from her eyes.

"I want to show you something." She said.

Rusty and Frank looked at each other, worry spelled in their eyes as they followed Sarah into her house. She stopped in front of a chest of drawers and took out a combat knife from it. She walked back up to the two. "I, uh, I found this in Zach's backpack. 

Frank took it in his hands, looking at the leather holder. He hummed as he frowned at it. Rusty looked at Sarah, unzipping her coat. "When did you find this, Sarah?"

She sighed, putting her arms to her body. "Today." She said, holding the tissue tighter. "He just - he hasn't been the same since David died."

Rusty licked her lips as Frank looked at Sarah. She sniffled. "Uh, h-he smacked his sister not too long ago. He's-" Sarah looked up the stairs to see if her children were listening. "The poor kid is angry all the time. He's got this crazy temper."

Sarah sniffled again as she looked at Rusty. "He stole a skateboard from our neighbour. And now . . . now his? I just-" She was about to break into tears and Rusty smiled a little to try and comfort her as Frank sighed, shifting on his feet as he held the knife in his hands.

"Where is he?" Rusty asked. 

Sarah sighed. "Upstairs."

Rusty nodded. "Can we talk to him?"

"Maybe . . . you can take a walk?" Frank suggested.

Sarah thought about it, nodding a little. "Yeah. Thank you."

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