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Rusty was sleeping, her mind so exhausted her body couldn't go on without rest. She lay on her front, her head resting on her arm while Fender and Lexi lay on the floor, guarding Rusty's sleeping body. They were tired, too. The fact that they saw Frank alive made them confused, yet so happy. The dogs, though sleepy, forced themselves to follow their training: guard your handler while they sleep. Rusty taught them that, so that just in case something happened, at least one of the dogs could notify a marine so everyone could escape safely. Maybe it was just Rusty's paranoia, but she didn't fully trust David. 

Curt was there, at the garage. He and Frank were talking about Billy, who had showed up to tell Curt, in person, that Frank was still alive. The fact that he saw Rusty in the garage as well as Frank just might have pushed him over the line of trust with his own friends. She was sleeping, so he let her be.

"I lied for you again." He said. 

"You did the right thing, Curt." Frank replied.

"But Rusty is alive as well?" He had a sour look on his face. "If he finds out about her I wouldn't know what to say."

"Blackbird to Raven, come in. Starling, come in."

When Billy spoke to Curtis, there was no mention of Rusty. Albeit, the old communications suggested that he might just believe of Starling's existence at this time. 

David spoke up. "Every hour on the hour. This guy's determined."

"Come in Starling. Starling and Raven. This is Blackbird calling."

Curtis sighed lightly as Frank looked away from Rusty's sleeping frame. When sleeping, she was unaffected by the names and the static, which surprised Frank as, when in combat, Rusty was such a light sleeper.

"He said he wanted to help you. That he could help you." Curtis spoke. "Whatever he's offering, if you ask me, you should take it."

Frank didn't even have to think about his answer as he looked at the kitchen island which he sat at. "Less people know I'm alive, safer it is for them."

"But what about you?" Curtis said, his tone questioning. "You don't look too safe. You look like a guy that nearly got his ass killed, and you know it."

Curtis looked at David. "And you brought Rusty into this, too. For what?"

Frank looked at her again. Her chest was slowly rising and falling, her breathing so relaxed, she looked like she was in heaven. His eyes lowered to the floor in thought. 

"Starling? Are you there? Raven, come in."

"If I could just add something-" David was cut of by Curtis, who didn't even look at him as he pointed a finger in his direction.

"You don't get an opinion." His eyes were still focused on Frank as he lowered his hand. "Not in this conversation."

David sighed and continued eating something.

"So, what? I just keep lying for you?" Curt asked. "And maybe soon for Rusty?"

"Look, Curt. Just do whatever you think is right." Frank shook his head lightly. "I never asked you to do anything else."

Curtis sighed, shaking his head as the radio still buzzed with Billy's futile attempts. He walked away, his boots thumping on the floor (especially the prosthetic limb) as he passed Rusty, giving her a worried look. Frank hadn't told him about her panic attack, thinking he didn't want Curtis too involved. 

"Blackbird calling to Bower Team."

"Don't mention this place to anybody, okay, Curtis?" David shouted. 

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