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Its been over half an hour and she is still not back. I mean how long does it take to have a shower and change? I only need about ten minutes and I'll be looking drool worthy. Hey, I know I'm good looking so I don't see the point in trying to be modest about it. I embrace both my-

"Oh finally, took your time," swinging my legs off the bed, I turn to Millie. Damn she looks good, i see why she was taking so long. She's all dolled up in blue deep dyed skinny jeans, that empasise all her curves and a black V neck short sleeve top. Simple but smart.

"It takes effort to look this good," She smirks as she puts her bags down. Oh yeah?

"You dont look any different than the hobo outside," my face is masked in disgust when i say that. Oh the look on her face. Priceless. I dont even bother holding back when i laugh.

"I hate you."

"I love you too baby," she rolls her eyes and turns away;she's blushing.

"Awe, you look so cute when you blush," i tease as i pull her onto to my lap. She feels so light. Must be the result of not eating for so long, trust me,this girl can eat. So much that It puts americans to shame.

If looks could kill, i would be dead by now;the look she gives me is enough to freeze a lake. With it, comes an elbow in my stomach. Ouch!

"Serves you right!" She springs up and folds her arms, watching me grunt in pain. Evil.

"Rabbits are cute, im not a rabbit! Got that?" I feel a bubble of laughter crawling its way up my throat but i try very hard to keep it. She just looks so funny and sexy when she's angry, its kind of hard to take her seriously.

"Yes ma'am!" She rolls her eyes at that. Honestly, she rolls her eyes so much, i actually worry that they are just going to roll out of her eye sockets if she carries on.

"You ready?" I ask, picking up the basket. I figured, i should probably start trying to prompt her memories. Im not so worried about her finding out about the accident anymore, i'd rather have her back and have her know the truth than to live with this guilt.

So to begin with, i thought a reenactment of our first date might be a start.

"Ready for what? And why do you have a picnic basket?" She looks at me skeptically.

"Oh i dont know, maybe for a picnic." For someone smart, she can be pretty dumb.

"Haha. Funny. Why are we having a picnic?" She asks, not in a rude way, more... curiously.

"I thought we should reenact our first date," i inform her as we walk out of the room, on our way to the entrance.

"Where exactly are we going?" She asks skeptically, her voice a bit unsteasy.

"To the park, why?" I frown, stopping in front of her.

"Do we have to take a car?" Now she looks scared.

"Hey what's wrong?" I lift up her chin so she is looking up at me and I can tell that something is bothering her.

"I don't think I'm ready to travel in a car just yet," she averts her gaze so that she isnt looking at me. Oh yeah, car accident duh. How could i be so freaking thoughtless?

"Oh im so sorry- i didnt think- we should- i could-"

"James!" She snaps me out of panic mode.


"We could always have a picnic inside right,or even out side in the gardens," she smiles.

"Yes outside..." I ponder that thought for a moment, and then it hits me.

"The roof! Come on, youre gonna love it." Grabbing on to her hand i lead her to the elevator. We are just inluck because we catch it before it closes. Inside is just us, something im grateful for.

"Whats on the roof?" She has this confused look on her face. Cute.

"The best view ever."

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