Sweet memories

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The glimmer in his eyes when he says that should probably worry me but im just to curious to find out whats so special about the roof. Looking down, i notice James is still holding my hand. The warmth of his hand travels all the way up my arm, sending shivers down my back. The good kind. I feel a squeeze, so small it might have just been my imagination but i still glance up at James and i notice that he is lookin straight ahead but has this secret smile on his face. Definately not my imagination. I decide to humour him and squeeze back. Somehow,that small exchange has a deeper meaning and feels so natural.

"Its our thing," James whispers in my ear just as the elevator doors opens. Lost, i just trail behind him and let him lead the way. We walk past the car park to a flight of stair, where James stops.

"Get on my back."

"Say what?! Why?" I dont trust him not to drop me.

"Because you've just been on the cycling machine and knowing you, it probably wasnt for only ten minutes, now was it?" He raises his eyebrows as if to say prove me wrong.

"Three hours isnt that much ..." Is my feeble response.

"Three hours?!" Damn i knew i shouldve lied to him, now im going to get an earful. Instead of trying to defend myself, i look at my shoes to avoid his eyes.

"Right up you get," he comands, "well, unless if you wanna be stuck in that bed of yours, unable to move, your choice." He sounds annoyed, so I just do what im told to avoid any arguing. The climb up the first flight of stairs in tense, and i feel like i should do something to loossen the tension, since its technically my fault. Well it seems i wont have any problem figuring out how to do that since my body has its own mind. Lifting up, i angle my head to the side and kiss his cheek softly. The action makes him stop in his tracks.

"What was that for?" He asks, his voice careful.

"A form of apology, i guess..." I mumble since im so close to his ear.

"Well apology accepted. I didnt mean to be harsh on you, i just dont want you working yourself up so much."

"I promise to take it slow from now on." I give him another kiss for emphasis.

"Good." He smiles.

To say that the roof to is nice is an understatement. The place is extraodinarily beautiful. The roof itself is a square platform. On the sides a flower bed with all kinds of flowers. There are a couple of benches placed randomly among the dotted flower pots. At the far corner is a wooden canopy with a swinging sofa. Right in the middle is a circular space, left there intentionally, i think. What takes my breath away is the view. Its the kind you see in movies, where people stand by the hollywood sign, watching the city lights at night. Eventhough its mid-day you can tell that the view at night would be mesmerising.

"Its beautiful,isn't it?" James says ah he comes to stand next to me.


"So tell me, what was up with the hand squeezing gesture," i ask generally curious. Currently, we were sitted on the picnic blanket, facing each other, with the sun on my back.

"Its a form of comfort i supose."

"Oh?" Is my intelligent response, that makes him chuckle, a sound that i can never grow tired of hearing.

"Basically, we made it up as a way for us to know that the other person is alright without having to ask. That kind of thing." Thats sounds really interesting and kind of intimate.

"So kind of like our own code language?"

"Yeah. And you know how other couples have certain looks that mean certain things?" He sounds genuinely excited to be explaining all this to me. Ever since i woke up, i havent seen him this animated about anything. I quite like this side of him.

"Really? Thats so cool!" Wow, i would love to be able to communicate with people like that. You could have a whole conversation witg someone about the person sitting right next to you, and they wouldnt have a clue. Genius!

"Yeah dont get too excited, we arent at that stage yet." Oh .

"Well anyway, we made up our own sign language. Its not as discreet as facial expression but-"

"Even better!" Man this is so exciting! "I mean, who needs facial expressions when you can have physical and mental communication."

"I know right!" We both laugh, until i realise that i dont remember any of the sign language.

"James... I kind of-"

"Forgot?  Yeah i know. Here ,I'll teach you the basics." For the next half an hour to an hour he teaches me the alphabet and simple phrases like, hello, please, thank you and being him, he teaches me a few swear words too. Not that im complaing.

"I dont suppose our first date was anything like this was it?"

"Not at all," he smiles.

"Whats different then?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Well for a start, we arent at the park and we- should i just explain what is was like?" He totally read my mind.

"One sec," i motion for him to straighten his legs and sit in a comfy position. Grabbing a box of chocolates and the strawberry tub, i lie on my back, using James' thighs as a pillow. I place the chocolates and the strawberries on my stomach and pop one in James' mouth, who chews without objection.

"Can i start now?" He asks, with a grin plastered his face. Most probably because of how im warming up to him.

"Now you can start."

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