Cliché story

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Her question startles me for a moment. I havent had to answer that one in a long while, it feels wierd having to tell her how it happened when its something she should know. But then again, unless she gets her memory back, im going to have to get used to telling her some of our memories. The thought makes me smile a little; all my memories with her are the best.

"Well, its somewhat cliche to be honest but the only reason we knew each other was because our mothers were both die hard fashion maniacs. So naturally we had something in common, but eventhough we went to the same, preschool, and secondary school, and we were always around each others houses, we still avoided each other at all costs."

I remember me and my late brother, Sam, always used to play pranks on her everytime she came around, she would throw temper tantrums but we would just laugh at her. Gosh i was horrible back then. I take a look at Millie and i notice she has made herself comfortable in bed and is lying on her side, watching me.

"When we came up to college though, things changed, i guess it came with puberty and teenage hormones. We where placed as lab partners in chemistry and we had Art and Drama together. But thats not what made us close. A year ago, my brother Sam, died in Afghanistan. Me and him were really close and losing him took a lot out of me. Then you came along. The funny thing is, you the only person who didnt pity me or look at me like a wounded puppy. You told me straight up that we are born, we live, we survive and we die. Its the cycle of life and mopping around wasnt going to get my brother back, he wouldnt want me to be grieving to the point of suicide. Instead, you taught me to cherish all the memories i had with him and keep the memory of him alive by being happy that at least now he is in a better place and thats all i could hope for. I guess thats why i fell for you. You helped me get better and pulled me right out of the blue."

"You make it sound like i was cold hearted and unsympathetic,telling you to get a grip." She laughs, but her voice sounds sad and tired.

"No, im very grateful you did that. I wouldn't change it for the world." Taking one of her hands, i kiss it gently. Her skin is still as soft as i remembered, just plaler than before. We stay like that for sometime, until she finally agrees to get some rest.

"You look like you could do with some sleep too." She comments.

"No, i will be fine. Anyway, i dont want to leave you by yourself."

"Dont give me that James Talon! You will go home and get some rest, understand. I will be fine for the night." Always so stubborn this one.

"Are you sure you will be alright though?" I really dont want to leave her, although, the idea of sleeping in my kingsize bed does sound inticing.

"Yes im sure. Now please stop arguing with me; im too tired for this." Following her statement is a yawn to emphasise her point.

"Okay, but i will be back, first thing in the morning." I kiss her forehead. By now, ive kissed her enough times that she doesnt tense up as much when i get close to her. I know i should probably be giving her some time to get used to things but neither of us like taking things slow, thats another thing we have in common.

"I wouldnt expect any less of you." She smiles.

Her eyes watch me as i grab my leather jacket off the chair and make my way to the door.

"Goodnight my wittle pumpkin", i make a face at her; i know she hates it,which is why its even more fun.

"James, get out." Even she cant hide her smile when she says it. Grabbing the door handle, i turn to see one last smile but instead she blows me a kiss.

"Goodnight James." She says just as im closing the door.

"Goodnight angel".

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