Dig a hole so big that china finds me

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On my first day of freshman year, i was late for my first history lesson. The moment i walked in the room, all talk halted and everyone went completely silent and just stared at me. I felt absolutely exposed and small with about thirty eyes just staring and no one saying anything. Even for a confident person like me, situations like that are intimidating. Right now, i was having dejavu because i had five pairs of eyes glaring at me.

"Guys, i know im beautiful but theres no need to-" I dont feel the force of the slap until the shock is starting to disappear. Even then im still suprised that after all the messages i got from her saying she misses me and cant wait to see me, she slaps me without even saying hi to me.

"That is for lying to me all this time whilst ive been worried sick over you!" Millie fumes. Crap!

"Look, i can explain but can we just go -"

"I am not going anywhere until you explain yourself." She says at the same time as Vince says,

"What, you scared of getting beaten up by girl in front of everyone?" His smirk doesnt falter even when i give him my best death glare.

"So if you werent with the boys this weekend, then where were you and where have you been all this time?" Lilly asks, looking puzzled. If she wasnt so sweet, i wouldve let my anger out on her but i guess she is just asking the question thats burning in everyones head.

"I was with Rebecca," i mutter loud enough for everyone at the table to here.

"You did what?!"

"I knew it!"

"Oh James..."

"After everything thats happened..." Everyone but Millie has something to say and somehow that makes me feel so much worse. Instead, she silently gets up and walks away.

"Well done James, youve really done it this time." With one last disgusted look, Vince gets up and follows her.

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