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The trees seemed to whisper his name with me as I stared at the wolf laying before me, his warm brown eyes looking at me with warmth in them, the hostility absent from its gaze. So unlike a wild animals.

"Matthew" I whispered again, almost uncertain of what I was doing, what I actually wanted out of this. Could I actually come to terms with the fact that I thought this wolf who had somehow made the other wolf disappear could in fact be my best friend? That werewolves could exist? Did exist?

I shuddered. "I-I know its you" I stuttered, cautiously reaching out to caress him behind his ears. He closed his eyes and leaned closer, dropping his head lightly before looking back at me, as if that gesture was to be a nod.

"C-can you turn back into human?"

I stared silently as the wolf got up and moved behind a thick tree.

I waited.

Digging my heel against the slightly wet soil I realized I had forgotten to wear shoes before rushing out of the house, needless to say, the sight of my arms and legs bruised and scratched and slightly slashed from the sharp stones proved to serve as witness to fact that tonight actually happened. That was, In case I woke up tomorrow and decided to question the sanity in this, and me.

Just then the sounds of twigs breaking sounded behind me and I bit on my lip to prevent me from screaming out bloody murder when a half naked Matthew moved out form behind the dark bushes.

It was then did I realize, it was final. Werewolves did in fact exist.

I suppose my plight was obvious to point out because Matthew almost hurriedly put his hands in front of him in submission, while moving closer almost at a pace of a tropical turtle.

"Don't be afraid. I know, I have a lot of explaining to do"

I nodded, and he moved closer almost regarding me with utmost care before lowering down beside me.

"S-so I was right, right? Werewolves exist... Y-you and... Bryce... Who else? And how? I thought all this was great in books and all... But... Real life?"

Matthew stared at me. I frowned.

"What?" I asked him, my frown deepening when a soft smile spread across his face.

"You're more accepting to this situation than I would have thought you would be"

I smiled weakly. "I suppose Twilight and The Vampire Diaries helped a little. Besides, what choice do I have other than to be accepting? I can't run, can I?"

Mathew nodded, the corners of his lips lifting in a soft gesture. "I suppose not. He wouldn't let you leave"

I stilled. The momentum of the situation hit in a matter of few deadly seconds, shaking me inside out. Bryce was a werewolf... And by the looks of the castle, a very important one at that.

"He's Alpha" Matthew informed me, answering my unvoiced question, but I didn't hear, the buzz from all the emotions flaring around me was quite overwhelming... All I wanted to do was hold Matthew and cry. Why exactly, I didn't know.

I looked at him, my gaze a little confused. "He's what?"

This time though, Matthew seemed to hesitate, he looked around the dark woods and than back at me, he frowned and then got up shaking his head. "I've been a dick of a friend, sitting here chatting with you when you're bloody and bruised. Let's get you home Theia"

I shook my head, refusing to grasp onto his extended arm. "He is a what Matthew?"

Matthew sighed. "It is not in my position to tell you"

Mated to the Alpha King | First Draft SampleWhere stories live. Discover now