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As it turned out, the guests that Bryce had Roman pick up on the, as I see it now, very amusingly chaotic Sunday morning almost a week ago, had in fact been Casey and Angelo.

What had made him come to that decision, I still don't know and I suppose I'd never know.

Bryce and I had made an entry, and I suppose it was blatantly obvious of what had transpired between us the night before because Angelo had immediately retreated into his brooding self. While Cass and the rest of the boys had given me the eyebrow wiggles.

As it turns out though, by the end of the week Cass had made up with a very sorry Leo, and Angelo had been all too happy to leave, his former self now withdrawn and on the edge all the time.

I felt horrible about his darkening mood, he was first and foremost my friend and even though I could not give him my heart, I did still love him. As a friend. He protected me, he cared. And in the lowest of times I felt guilty that I could never be able to like him back, just to make him happy. For a while?

Needless to say with me feeling so soft towards Angelo it had taken a lot from Bryce not to hand him a knuckle or two on the face during one too many occasions.

And well things between Bryce and I? Yes we had never been stronger. I suppose it had been because of the patience from my part and strong will from his.

The full moon had come and gone. And Bryce really had chained himself with wolfsbane and silver shackles. It had been a horrible experience, not being able to sleep all night hearing his yelling and growling.

The next day he had been exhausted, and so I had had to stay in bed, with him, while he slept the whole day, it was necessary, his beast was on the edge. But then the incredible task of actually removing his large strong arms from my waist, seemed impossible. Seeing as he would even resort to snarling at me in warning.

And so, like that, almost a week had passed. The holiday break had been partially shortened by Principal Williams with a promise of giving us a month break later in the schooling season. I suppose I was a little disheartened at that, with how things were going with Bryce and I, a little more time with him at the castle, was always welcomed.

"You're quite deep in thought, today" an amused voice spoke up from behind me, my own smile exposing itself I turned myself in my chair just in time to let Bryce lean in and place a kiss on my lips.

He made a move to break the kiss but I pulled him back, not ready to let the warm feel of his lips go yet.

A soft moan left my lips when Bryce groaned and pulled on my hand, pulling me off the chair before taking seat and pulling me on his lap instead. Putting his arms around me, Bryce deepened our kiss, I felt myself smile at the soft sigh that left his lips into the kiss.

"And there you go lady and gentleman, they seem to be at it, again!"

Oh god, not again!

The sound of quite chuckles and happy cooing reached my senses and I tried to break the kiss, Bryce on the other hand, snapped out of the kiss, pushed my face against his chest and turned towards our audience.

"Get out all of you!!!! Aunt Meryl! You too!"


"Fine fine!"

"It is our right as citizens of this-"

"Roman dear"

"-Oh alright!!"

The sound of the door shut close sounded through the now silent room, I couldn't help but smile against Bryce's chest, his spicy cologne blending like a blessing with his musky natural scent; like the smell of rain in a green luscious woods.

Mated to the Alpha King | First Draft SampleWhere stories live. Discover now