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It's funny how sometimes you just want to run away, ... escape because that seems like the best thing to do, because that seems like the only thing to do. When in reality, it isn't?

Standing there pressed against a seething, silently pleading Bryce I knew I should go with mum and dad, I knew I should go home and damn it I wanted to badly. But the cracking in Bryce's voice made my every thought falter. I didn't know how to fix this, I didn't know how to get things back to how they were a couple of weeks back.

I didn't know how to stay and endure this change.

So I just stood there. I just stood there, let Bryce growl and tighten his hold on me, then nudge my face against his chest when my dad made a move for me. I was still thinking... Granted though that it looked like I was burning ambers at Bryce's chest, because I was staring at his shirt really bad, but I was still thinking.

I sighed and tried to move back, but stopped instantly when Bryce let out a warning growl.

Dear lord...

Giving up, I signed again and leaned into him. I closed my eyes. I really needed to focus. Bryce's rippling muscles moving against my waist was distracting.

"Funny how you don't want me gone but you rarely stay as well. What are you running from?" I breathed lowly under my breath, but I knew he could hear me. Standing there leaning in his embrace felt slightly embarrassing because my parents were just a few footsteps away.

Bryce stilled as I whispered against his chest, my arms now clutching on his shirt.

"Theia, let go, we're going home now pumpkin."


I dropped my grip on Bryce's shirt and moved my head back to look at him. My favorite shade of blue pools now glowing golden, he looked back, ignoring my father all together.

But I knew better, a snarl kept showing itself on his lips, his canines were slipping out. Bryce was losing control to his beast. And although it looked like he was trying to control it, he beast seemed to be a very strong opponent.

"Mr. Anderson, I suggest we discuss this. Elsewhere. I'm sure you understand how fragile the situation is. Removing a soul mate from a male Were is life threatening. Removing a soul mate from the King Were is suicide. He's maddeningly possessive when it comes to your daughter. Please. " A weirdly nervous toned Meryl spoke up suddenly, as if trying to liaise with my dad.

"Arthur please-h-he won't hurt her. You know that. Let's just listen to Meryl" Mum softly soothed dad, I could see from my peripheral viewpoint that she was holding onto his arm and pulling him towards the door.

I couldn't help but whimper slightly when I felt dad give in, he stopped beside me and looked at me for a moment, when Bryce's snarls got deadlier a sad but hopeful looking mum pulled dad away.

"Your things are on your bed Hunny... I want you to come home."

"Yes daddy" I mumbled, my gaze now on Bryce's T-shirt again.

He suddenly moved forward snarling at my dad, dragging me forward with him. I gasped at the sudden movement and when the impact of things struck me, I quickly grabbed onto his T-shirt and pulled him back.

Dad preservation! Dad preservation!

My heart beating at a sickening pace, I quickly did the one thing I knew would calm Bryce down. Hooking my arms around his neck I pulled him down and captured his lips on mine.

The sound of the door shutting sounded around the now silence room. Well, silent except for the soft humming and moaning floating around the room, moans I was equally as guilty off as Bryce's uncensored groans. This time however, I pushed him back.

Mated to the Alpha King | First Draft SampleWhere stories live. Discover now