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I woke up to a heavy weight on my stomach, I tried to push It away but it wouldn't budge. This was futile.

Groaning tiredly I tried to move, my eyes slowly fluttered open. Again, quickly shutting close because of the impeccable about of light shining through the tall wide windows.


I stiffened slightly as Bryce groaned, pressing his face closer against my neck. The heavy feel of his head on my chest, I could feel his warm breath against my neck. I signed and wrapped an arm around him, turning my head towards the open window. The chilly breeze hitting my skin strangely soothingly. I closed my eyes and smiled at the calmness it brought with each breeze.

A knock sounded around the room and I felt Bryce climb closer on me.


He snuggled in closer.


I winced slightly as his arms tightened around me. Three sharp raps on the door followed, I lifted my head up slightly then turned towards Bryce again.

"BRYCE! Wake up!!" I whisper yelled, grabbing his shoulders and trying to push him off now.

A low rumble erupted from his chest and his eyes shot open, yellow. No blues.

"What's wrong?" He said, his tone sharp as he turned towards the door.

"Someone's at the door. Get up!" I murmured, trying to slowly push him off.

His head snapped to mine. "Don't do that!" He snapped, his eyes narrowed.

I rolled mine. "Can you not?"

His frown deepened. "Not what?"

"Glare at me with those beautiful golden eyes. I have to admit though, I love your blues better"

His lips pulled up lightly and he leaned in, his eyes on mine.

This is your chance Thi! Move it!

I smirked at him and confusion glazed his features.

Well this is is going to be easy.

With a speed I could almost give myself an award for, I slipped out from under him and quickly rushed towards the sofa. I slumped on it. A victorious grin now on show.

"Don't do that too!" He growled as he stalked towards me. I rolled my eyes again and leaned back, tucking my legs underneath me.

"Say, where can I get clean and dressed? Considering I don't have my brush, my clothes--crap! I don't have anything here!"

My wide eyes shot up to Bryce's slightly amused ones, he slowly took a seat beside me, and I frowned at how easily he was Ignoring the person on the other side of the door.

"He's given up." Bryce spoke up, as if he had read my mind. He smirked when my eyes widened. "For now, that is"

"How do you know it was a he?" I blurted out, still staring at him with wide eyed fascination. The werewolf world seemed to be getting more and more interesting day by day.

"Scent" Bryce muttered, grasping my hand with his overly large one and pulling towards a white door. He pushed open the door and nudged me in.

Looking around the elegant looking bathroom, I smiled.

I turned towards him.

"Thanks" I murmured softly, and closed the door shut. "Wait!" I pulled open the door, revealing Bryce standing outside with an amused smile. I pouted embarrassed slightly. "Brush and towel?"

Mated to the Alpha King | First Draft SampleWhere stories live. Discover now