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Mmmh... This feels good!

A soft content moan left my lips as I buried myself into the comfort of my bed.

It strangely felt solid against my cheeks, I snuggled in close.

Smiling against the comforting hardness of my bed I slowly opened my eyes only to Gasp and move back.

Bryce's bright fiery ice blue eyes stared at me, his lips pressed in a thin line. I frowned as I moved closer, my fingers touched the corner of his lips and slowly but surely pulled them up into a smile.

What's wrong with him?

I frowned looking at him, an eyebrow titled up. He titled his eyebrow up in reply and I couldn't help but smile. Bryce was really cute.

'I should really brush before he decides to smack a smooth across my lips or something' I thought suddenly and made a move to rush out of the bed, almost letting out a victory cry when I successfully got out and into the bathroom. Bryce had not pulled me back today. I frowned.

Should I take that as a good thing or bad?


Placing my brush back in its little stand I wiped my face with a towel. I sighed as I took a step towards the hanger and hung the towel there. The impact of things kept rushing back, the funny thing was that although I looked calm and collected about it, on the inside I was freaking out. I couldn't help but think of how was I going to handle this? How was I suppose to handle this?

I turned towards the door and stared at it. Beyond it, was a werewolf. Not human, part wolf. Beyond it, was a King. The Werewolf King. I took a step back. This was not happening. This could not be happening!

"Dammit!" I growled, reaching out my fingers and pulling out my hair in frustration. How was I suppose to handle this? Could I even handle this? What would Cass or Marley do? I scoffed as I thought what my two best friends would do.

Marley would probably faint dead, and Cass? Yeah, Cass would be all up for it. I could practically hear her saying "Were Sex! Dude! Imagine the sex!"

A shiver ran down my spine and I immediately shook the images starting to bloom in my mind. Not good Thi. Not good!

I looked back at the door and slumped my shoulders in surrender. It was heart over mind here... I supposed it always would be.

I mean, sure he was a werewolf, he was a king, but he was still the same guy I fell for, he was still my boyfriend. And the fact that we were soul mates, that solidified things, wasn't that what all girls wanted? Solidification? A concrete guarantee that the boy they were investing so much in was actually 'the one'?

A smile produced itself on my lips and I squared my shoulders. It was time to face the beat. I was his beauty, and he my beast. My smile broadened.

Opening the bathroom door, I strode into the room with a bright smile on but instantly stopped when I saw a brooding Bryce sitting in the edge of the bed, his shoulders slumped and his head hanging low. A frown slipped it's way on my expression.

"Bryce? Hey, you okay?" I mumbled softly as I reached him and sinked down on my knees to level him, I sunk my fingers into his hair.

Bryce immediately shot up, his face now inches away from me. My breath hitched in my throat. "What happened babe?" I asked softly, trying to ignore the steely gaze he had managed to fix on me.

"How did you find out?"


My breath hitched in my throat I watched Bryce with wide eyes, frozen in my spot. He stared me straight in the eyes as he waited for my answer.

Mated to the Alpha King | First Draft SampleWhere stories live. Discover now