Waking Moment

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"Atlas has the military capabilities to keep Beacon safe." A voice firmly asserted. You blinked, in a daze, and managed to push yourself upright, if only for a second, before falling back down onto a makeshift bed.

And then the pain rushed to your head. What had happened?

"We don't need to worry the public." A different voice.
"Ozpin, I know you don't want to do this, but it needs to be done. Trust me. I know this is the right move."

Slowly your vision returns. You see that you're on a cot in a room with 4 other people, bandages around your right arm and your chest. You recognize the bold speaker you first heard when you woke, and the man who must be Ozpin, his brows furrowed in thought, concerned about the situation, a mug of coffee in one hand and his head in the other. And there was a woman, with a regal demeanor about her, with blonde hair and a face full of determination.

But as you took in the scene, your eyes always wandered back to the man with the red cape. He had a quiet but powerful air about him, and you knew he was a force to be reckoned with. Yet something about him was familiar...

He turned and upon making eye contact with you his severe face turned softer, evidently concerned for your well being. Everyone else was caught up in an argument, but this man noticed you and cared for you... You looked away, blushing. There was something about him that drew you to him.

A gruff voice, which you knew to be his, spoke. "Excuse me gentlemen... and lady," he added, nodding to the blonde, "I have a job to finish. Sleeping Beauty isn't going home without an escort." He looked at you and winked. Your heart melted a bit, and you didn't know why. How could this stranger have already captured so much of your attention?

"Qrow. We have more pressing matters to attend to."
"Look, Ironwood, I wouldn't want to keep a princess waiting, would I?" He smirked, putting his hands behind his head in a carefree way. Ironwood looked infuriated, but said nothing.

"Hey. You feeling well enough to walk?" Qrow was beside you.
"I... I think so." You stupidly managed to stammer. He was taking your breath away. Damn it, you thought, this guy is nothing but trouble. You composed yourself and stepped out of bed, feeling a sting in your chest as your legs immediately gave out from under you. You closed your eyes and opened them not a second later to see him looking down at you, holding you in his arms. He smiled and picked you up bridal style, carrying you to the elevator before you could protest.
"No need to worry, darling. Prince Charming is here."

You rolled your eyes. Qrow was being such a flirt, but you had to admit, you kind of liked it. The elevator door closed and you began the descent to the bottom level.

"Um... Thank you." You managed to say. "I can only assume you saved me, though I don't remember much about what happened." He shrugged.
"It is my job." Everything came together. Qrow was a huntsman, and he was the one who had saved you from those Grimm. You weren't sure how you knew this. Tired from the incident, you couldn't bother to ask where you were, and something about this stranger made you trust him...
"Could you, uh, put me down now?" You asked awkwardly. You couldn't believe this was happening. Qrow set you carefully down, and you leaned on his arm for support, partially because you were a bit dizzy, partially because you were in shock, and admittedly, his attractiveness may have also had something to do with it as well.

He smiled at you. "You have silver eyes."
That caught you by surprise. "Oh! Yes, I suppose I do." He laughed. "That's a rare trait. You must be special." You blushed and buried your head in his shoulder, unsure of how long you stayed that way.

"What's your favorite fairy tale?" He asked absently.
"Um..." Before you could answer, he continued vaguely. "Legends have been told about those with the silver eyes... Seeing you, I might just believe them."

You laughed a bit at that. "Don't tell me you believe in fairy tales?"
"Why not?" He said roughly, a serious tone in his voice.
"Well... You just don't look like the dreamer type..." you said cautiously.
"I've seen things... I know things. I don't want to burden you with my knowledge, it would only bring bad things to you." Something about the way he talked intrigued you. This couldn't be good.
The elevator doors opened. "Now, to get you home safely."

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