Chapter 1: The Club

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Author's note: Hello!

So, this is my first time going public with one of my stories, I hope you like it. This book is not completely mine 100%, therefore I want to give credit to the author of the first 6 chapters: orphan_account on The rest of the story is my own work, but I have slightly altered/edited some of the first 6 chapters as well. Thank you for taking your time to read this and I hope you enjoy the journey!


Jungkook regretted saying that he wanted to go to a club for his 20th. He had had enough drinks five hours ago and now had a banging headache. This was not the way he imagined his birthday to go. Namjoon and Seokjin hadn't even touched their drinks, Namjoon being given drivers duty and Seokjin not wanted for his boyfriend to be 'alone'. Jungkook found it sickly cute and it was probably for the best. After all, drunk Seokjin was terrifying.

Yoongi was currently dancing with Taehyung, resting himself upon the tallers' chest, who was talking with a hyper Hoseok. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that was making Hoseok act like this, or if it was just the man's personality that was turning him into an overexcited puppy.

But Jimin, Jimin had never looked so good. He had definitely had too many drinks, but clearly wasn't feeling the headache that Jungkook was and was instead having the time of his life. At some point, his shirt had come undone and his ripped black jeans even glistened with sweat. His forehead was shining and his eyes were blissfully shut as he was dancing, his lips slightly parted. His red tie was also helping his sex appeal as he was the centre of attention in the club and there was a crowd around him, all wanting to touch the man that seemed to captivate everyone.

Not being able to watch Jimin grind up against random men any longer, Jungkook surveyed the room once more from his vantage point by the bar. There were people making out, people picking fights, but one man seemed to catch Jungkooks attention. He was sitting in the booth furthest away from the commotion and had a low hat on, hiding his face. Suddenly he moved his head and as it caught in the light, Jungkook had to resist the urge to cry out. One-half of the man's face was burnt all over, the skin all deformed and Jungkook wondered if it was a fake eye too.

But he never strayed his eyes from the dance floor as he answered his phone, cold eyes staring straight ahead and Jungkook realized with a cold shudder, that the man's gaze was fixed on Jimin. His Jimin. No one dared to look at his Jimin like that.

Like they wanted to burn him and kill him but there was also a look of lust that made Jungkook shiver despite the crazy heat of the club. Willing his legs not to shake, he walked over to Namjoon and Seokjin.

"Guys, we need to go."

"Why? Aren't you having fun? It's your birthday party Jungkook, you can do whatever you want! You're 20 now, fuck everything!" the way that Namjoon said it made Jungkook wonder if he was really keeping to his 'designated driver's rules, but it wasn't the first thing on his mind right now, anyway.

"No, just look over there. The last booth, in the corner at 7 o'clock."
Namjoon and Seokjin both swung around and Jungkook pulled them back, grabbing their arms and hissing his next words out. "Not both together! You know what- we're going. I don't care. That dude- the way he's staring at Jimin, I don't like it. We need to leave." he stressed the last word, and raised his eyes in a pleading way when Seokjin finally understood what he was saying.

"Okay then, Jungkook, you go get Jimin and we'll meet you in the car." his voice was soft and he placed a hand on Jungkooks shoulder. "But please don't worry, okay? It's probably nothing. But if you're worried then, of course, we can go." Jungkook nodded in reply, attempting to relieve the tension in his shoulders as he walked over to Jimin.

He ignored the cries and protests as he pushed himself into the centre of the circle surrounding Jimin. Grabbing his wrist, he leaned down to speak into Jimins ear. "Jimin, we need to go." The older man stared at him for a few minutes before Jungkooks words registered to him and he let out a giggle. "Don't be silly, Jungkook. It's still early!" Jungkook sighed, checking his watch. He was afraid that this would happen. "Jimin, it's 4 am. Let's go home now, okay?" he tried not to let the anxiety seep into his words and thankfully intoxicated Jimin was too far-gone to notice. "Okay then, Kookie!" Jimin whispered, slurring slightly and giggling as he says it. "But," Jungkook knew there would be a catch; "you have to buy my alcohol for the next month." he winks and yet again, bursts into another fit of giggles.

Jungkook would really rather not because he knows how much Jimin drinks, but he really wants to get himself and Jimin out of this club. "Fine. Just- just come with me, now!" Jungkook almost shouts the last word when he sees that Jimin isn't going anywhere. The man instead latches onto Jungkooks arm and pouts. "Carry me, Kookie." he looks at Jungkook with wide eyes and Jungkook curses himself for not being able to resist Jimin. Instead, he just picks Jimin up and resists a laugh when Jimin turns his head into Jungkooks neck and breathes into it. Jimin isn't even tired- Jungkook can tell because he's incessantly babbling about some shit or other and if Jungkook was anyone else he would drop Jimin and tell the man to walk by himself, but he doesn't because he loves Jimin and would do anything for him.

By the time he's reached the car, everyone's packed in and chatting rather loudly. He lets Jimin go when the man starts squirming and reaching for Taehyung. As soon as he places Jimin on the floor, about a meter from the car, the man jumps on top of Taehyung who laughs and rubs Jimins back. Jungkook tries not to feel jealous. He hops in the car after Jimin, the loss of the man's intoxicated breath and heat reminding him of why he was so anxious to get out in the first place. "Hurry on it, Jin!" he's able to yell all the way over to the front seat, grinning when the man looks at him and winces with a nod.

"I'm going!"

They're just driving back to their dorms, and Jungkook starts to relax as it looks like he had nothing to worry about because they're not all dead or anything- yet. 

Maybe he spoke too soon. 

The sound of Seokjins loud swearing jolts all of them sitting up and they all stare out of the window to see a big, black range rover parked across the road, blocking them from getting past at all. Jungkook can see people moving around in the car despite the tinted windows. "I'm gonna go tell those bastards what's up." he says under his breath, hand on the door handle when he feels Jimin gripping his wrist. "Don't, Jungkookie. It might be dangerous." the hesitation is long enough for Jungkook to pause and see another identical car come up behind them.

It screeches as it twists to the side and multiple people jump out, all dressed in black and faces indistinguishable. He checks around the front to see that people have also jumped out of the first truck. But that's not what sent the cold shockwave down his spine- they're holding guns, GUNS. He instinctively holds onto Jimins hands as he faces the front, where Seokjin is sitting- pale faced. "Fucking run them over." Namjoon snaps, impressed that he's able to keep his voice as steady as he has so far, but quickly pushes that thought from his mind because currently he has bigger issues to worry about. "We can't. We wouldn't even survive 3 meters with those guns they're holding." Jin whispers as he sucks in a deep breath. "I'm going out." he lets out a cry and avoids the attempt of Namjoon trying to grab his arm as he steps out of the car and Jungkook can feel Jimins body shaking in his arms. The smaller man is staring after Jin with a painful look.

One moment later there's a cold breeze and it takes Jungkook way too long to react to Jimin stepping out of the car. He shouts after him, following and it isn't long before everyone is out, shaking and surrounding each other. Jimin is clutching onto Jungkooks arm, who's staring at a man in a large trench coat and a big hat, which shadows his face- until he moves into the light of a streetlamp. His burnt, deformed face says it all. "Fuck." he turns to Seokjin, shaking his shoulders roughly. "That's him, oh-my-god- that's fucking him, I knew it, I-" Jungkook is silenced when the freak speaks up- although they soon realize, not even to them.

He takes large steps forward, the large brutes guarding him and grinning at the group of cornered males. "He's a pretty thing, isn't he?" It takes them a while to realize whom the man's talking about, but his gaze is fixed on Jimin. There's a loud outrage of shouts and tears that's only silenced by the sound of a gun being fired. Jungkook watches as Jimin falls to the ground in horror before he feels something in his own shoulder, reaching for it with hazy eyes before he, too, hits the floor.

Everything turning black.

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