Chapter 3: Blacked out

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Author's note:

This chapter is rated 18+. It includes violence and mild sexual content.


Jimin, obviously, begins struggling in his bonds, as the man gets closer. He barely even has time to yell before a gag is tied behind his head, and he whimpers as the man strokes his finger down his cheek. "You really are pretty, aren't you?" Jimin, unable to answer, leans his head as far as he can away from the man's hands, pressing himself back into the wall. 

Burn face, noticing his discomfort, laughs. "What's wrong, sweetie? Am I making you uncomfortable?" Jimin doesn't even nod, frozen in his position. But it clearly wasn't the answer Burn face wanted and Jimin crashes into the floor as the man backhands him across the face forcefully, muffledly he cries out- mostly from the impact.

Somehow, despite the chains, he is still able to reach his hands up to cup his face and he pulls them away, slightly decorating them with blood. He gapes at his hands for a few moments, before looking up in surprise to find that the attention isn't longer on him. Yoongi's screaming in the corner, putting up a fight and Namjoon is also yelling at Burn face- who's simply looking at all of them. Jimin, still on the floor looks over as Jungkook meets his eyes, he mouths to him:

"Are you okay?"

Jimin gives a slight nod and can see Jungkook swallow painfully after his reply, and he feels it before he recognizes he's doing it. But soon enough, tears are streaming down his face and as he pushes himself painfully up into a sitting position, he can see the tears falling to the ground, staining his shirt. His crying seems to alert everyone to the situation at hand.

Jimin is crying.

And Jimin doesn't cry often- doesn't get sad too much. Or at least, if he did, he never told anyone, never went for help. Cause it was always him comforting the others, and seeing Jimin cry was awful for everyone in the group. 

Through the blurry haze, Jimin could see Jungkook standing up on the other side of the room- yelling too- and soon enough, everyone was. There were angry shouts, and even though Jimin had his hands over his ears, he could still hear the shouts, shouts of how dare anyone touch him, or hurt him. He couldn't understand- why was everyone so worried about him? Why didn't they care more about themselves- Jimin wished they did. So what if he got hurt? He would be okay as long as they all were.

He was considering saying so, considering standing up and telling everyone not to hurt themselves for him- when a loud, grating metal noise filled the room. Jimin had only a few seconds to register the noise before he was pulled up by the handcuffs, and he winced as his back crashed into the rough wall. The handcuffs had him pulled up tightly, almost straight up and looking down he could see that the ankle chains had also retracted into a hole in the wall he hadn't noticed before, pulling him taught against the wall.

He was so confused- so disorientated by this sudden movement that he didn't even notice when his gag was removed, only focusing again when someone slapped his cheek, whispering in his ear. Jimin recognized it in 3 seconds, immediately reeling back in horror to the face of a smirking Burn face. "Hey, cutie. Sorry about," he motioned to Jimins body, "-this, but I figured it's the only way you would keep still." Jimin shakes under the heavy look he's getting- shutting his eyes in discomfort, attempting to block out the situation he's in right now. Of course, that's not an option, and Jimin snaps his eyes open when he feels something cool against his throat. "If you want to come out of this with your head still attached to your body, sweetie, then you're going to look at me when I talk to you, understood?"

Jimin gulps, nodding furiously and his lip trembles when the blade cuts his neck slightly as he tries to move away from it. He lets out a tiny squeal as he sees the others twitch in anger. He can feel the blood running down towards his shirt, staining it. The man pouts. "Oh, no. You got your shirt stained." he shrugs at Jimin. "Why did you do that, baby? Don't worry, I'll sort it out for you." Jimin looks down at his body with wide eyes as the man lowers his knife, but he only proceeds to cut Jimins shirt off of his body- causing him to shiver in the cold air. "There we go. Problem fixed."

Jimin looks over the mans shoulder to see, to his shock, all of his friends being restrained by two men each, gagged too. All were staring up at him in horror, struggling but getting nowhere. He can't do anything about this situation- his bear, bloody chest is out in the open and he can't even cover himself up. Burn face simply stares at him- at his body- looking at him in the way that you just don't want to be looked at. 

Burn face tucks his knife somewhere around his belt, never removing his eyes from Jimins body. It's only a few seconds before Jimin is slammed even further back against the wall, and there are warm hands- touching him- and a mouth on his- and it's awful, intrusive, and Jimin feels like he's going to throw up- he can feel himself crying again- his hands are restrained. He can't do anything.

And then he's free. His head falls to rest on his chest- gasping for breath and feeling the warm tears roll off of his nose. His eyes are blotchy and he can't really see anything, everything's hazy and blurry- can't hear really either- everything's going black. He's slapped awake, yet again. There's a hand fisted around his hair and his head is pulled roughly up, and his feet strain against the ankle chains. "What's wrong, baby? Keeping you awake, am I?" Jimin stares at Burn face, not daring to reply despite knowing there may be consequences. "Don't worry. I'll take off your wrist cuffs- I'm sure they're aching by now." the man flips a switch just to the right of Jimins head- letting go of Jimins hair in the process.

Everyone watches this exchange in utter horror. Jimin has just been defiled in possibly the worst way ever- and they can't help him. A few of them try to reach forward- begin to struggle again- but they're not getting anywhere. Hoseok lets out a muffled cry before sinking to the floor and tears begin cascading down his face. Namjoon struggles with all of the power he has- he can't believe that it's his Jimin- his cute little Jimin- that's being treated this way, right in front of him. Taehyung and Yoongi are simply staring blankly ahead- tears escaping their eyes- maybe with them knowing, maybe without. Seokjin is screaming the best he can with his gag- choking and screaming and his eyes are bloodshot with tears.

Jimin feels the relief in his wrists just before he begins to fall. His feet can't support him- and without being restrained upwards he can't do anything but crash to the ground. He rolls over, bringing his hands in front of his face only to realize that they're bleeding. All of his struggling must have rubbed the skin so much that it led to the cuffs cutting him. He can actually feel himself blacking out this time, and he's aware of it, but he doesn't care- maybe he can get some peace now. That's the last thought on Jimins mind before he goes limp, hands next to his face and still dripping blood.

Jungkook watches all of this in utter silence- maybe because he can't say anything, or because he knows that it won't make a difference- but either way, it breaks his heart. He watches as Jimin falls to the floor, watches as Burn face laughs and kicks Jimins side. The man is obviously blacked out because he doesn't even move when he's kicked- instead, reacting the way a doll would. It makes Jungkook sick.

He watches as Burn face calls for his guards, leaving the room quickly before returning with a first aid kit and what looks like water and food. Jungkook barely has time to furrow his eyebrows in confusion before the men has taken their handcuffs off. Burn face presses a button, and their ankle chains are suddenly gone too, except for Jimins. Jungkook barely has time to leap for the door before it's slammed in his face. He reaches for Burn face- but instead meets a cold, metal surface. He notices that his gag is also gone, and he quickly rushes over to Jimins limp body, followed by everyone. Moving Jimins bleeding head into his lap, he bursts into tears and cups Jimins face.

"I am so sorry, Jimin- I-" he knows that he's talking to himself- Jimin isn't even awake right now- and he knows that everyone else can probably hear him- he just doesn't care. Pride is the last thing on his mind right now. "-I- I never- just a party- you-no-"

He's interrupted by Burn face- or his metallic voice- who yells out a command. "Don't take this as just a rest. I'll be back tomorrow and by that time, I expect you to have the pretty one awake and looking perfect again." Jungkook can hear his guards laughing in the background, and his heart breaks.

He shivers in response, reaching for Jimins hand and not letting go.

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