Chapter 19: Fire

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"YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!" The man screams looking over at his son, who's holding a broken plate, his face turning white. "How dare you?!" That was your moms favourite plate," he growls. Every single plate in the kitchen was mom's favourite plate, no matter how ugly it was, the boy thought to himself. His father approaches him, unbuckling his belt in the process as the boy moves backwards. This is it!

The 18-year-old boy screams as the first hit makes contact with his left wrist, causing him to drop the plate on the floor that breaks into more pieces. He had had enough; he did no longer care how his father or mother punished him, whether it was with a belt, sticks etc. The boy did no longer care. Over the last 10 years he had learned to endure it, like it and because of that, it was no longer a weakness.

Waiting for the second hit, the boy prepared himself and as his father lashes forwards, he grabs the belt with his right hand. "What are you doing?" his father asks angrily. "Let go, if you don't want to receive a worse punishment" the man forms a grin on his face. "No" the boy says silently, still looking at the floor. "No?" the man frowns as he stands up. "NO!" the boy screams "I'm done receiving anything from you and that witch" he snarls as his old man delivers a baffled expression.

Rushing down, the boy grabs a piece of the broken plate before he lashes forward and sticks it right in the man's throat. The man falls backwards as he kneels, receiving a powerful punch right on the nose, the man screams. But the scream is cut short as blood starts trickling down from the open flesh wound. Grabbing a knife the boy proceeds to stab his father, multiple times in the back, one for every punishment that he has ever received. His father is already unconscious, but his son keeps stabbing, his shirt stained with his fathers blood.

Standing up, he runs his bloody hand through his hair, smiling for himself as he grabs a new knife from the drawer. Walking towards the exit of the kitchen, he turns around before taking one last look at his father, a grin forms on his face. "Oh, moooom..." the boy chuckles as he makes his way upstairs "come out, come out wherever you are" the grin grows bigger as he opens his parents bedroom, finding his so called mom kneeling in the right corner of the room, he closes the door followed by the woman's screams.


His ears are ringing and he keeps flashing in and out of unconsciousness. Behind him there is so much noise and Hoseok covers his ears, wanting to block it out. He just wants to sleep; all he wants to do is close his eyes and let his mind drift off.

"NO!" Jin screams as he rushes down to Hoseok, lying motionless on the floor. Yoongi has already lashed forward and is know in a very messy fist fight with James, they are both rolling over each other, delivering punches in each others face as Yoongi wonders where all this sudden strength is coming from. 

Namjoon has also lashed forward, towards Burn face who smiles at the boy coming towards him with fists. "This is gonna be fun!" he laughs as Namjoon punches him right across the left cheek and Burn face tumbles backwards. Cupping his cheek, he looks at Namjoon who's ready to launch again. "Is that all you got..." he grins, provoking the boy who is yet again rushing towards him. "Get Hoseok out!" Namjoon screams, heading for Burn face again.


Jimin falls and is sent sprawling down the stairs. Reaching the bottom he's stopped by a set of warm hands, that quickly embraces him. "Jimin..." Jungkooks voice shakes as he looks down on the boy that he never thought he would see again, giving him a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. 

There is no need for words, both of them are sobbing as Taehyung approaches them from behind. "You did good" Jimin smiles as he looks up at him, Taehyung smiling back. "We've called the police," he says. "The man over there had a phone on him" he signals to the pile lying on the floor, forming a man. Is it true? Is the nightmare finally over? Do they actually have a chance to get out of there? Jimins heartbeat rises.

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