Chapter 5: Howling

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Author's note:

This chapter and the next chapter are rated 21+. It will include sexual content and moderate violence. If you do not wish to read this kind of stuff, skip to chapter 7. 


Jimin backs up as much as he can against the wall, but when you're already pulled taught, there isn't much more you can do so Jimin settles for angling his head away from the approaching man as far as he can. Burn face suddenly barks out a command and orders for his guards to take off everyone's blindfolds that were previously put on. "I want them to see this. I want them to see me break their precious little baby boy." Jimin whimpers as he nears, wishing he were anywhere else right now.

Jungkook remembers. 

He remembers his promise. He will not let them hurt Jimin. "Stop!" he shouts and it pierces the silence, all heads whipping towards his. "What is it, boy? Don't fuck this up again like yesterday." Burn face states, turning to face Jimin before Jungkook shouts again, stopping him. "Don't hurt him, please. I'll do anything, we'll do anything and if you let us go I'll pay you all of the money you want." Jungkook stresses the last word, eyes blown wide as he bribes and pleads their captor.

Burn face makes a face as though he's considering it before looking at Jungkook with an evil glare. "How about no? I want Jimin, and that's final." Jungkook stares at the man in horror, about to speak up again when he is brutally interrupted by a fist to the face. He falls to the ground, screaming as his hand reaches for his cheek. "STOP!" Jimin screams, only to be silenced by Burn face that lays a hand over his mouth while he makes a hush sound. Jungkook's on the floor, crying, looking over at Jimin as he realises he can't do anything to help. He feels powerless as he closes his eyes, not wanting to see what's about to happen.

Only a moment later and Jimin feels hands roaming over his body. His eyes snap open in terror as he had previously closed them, not wanting to see Jungkook in pain on the floor. It would break his heart. But now he does, and his already ripped shirt is discarded on the floor and all he's wearing now are a tight pair of black jeans and his red necktie. For some reason, Burn face leaves that on and instead leans forward, hands reaching up and towards Jimins neck.

Jimin starts shaking violently and behind Burn face he can see Jungkook is struggling closing his eyes as he's crying. Burn face places his hands around Jimins neck; pushing his head so far back that all Jimin can see is the damp ceiling. He's still shaking and it's only when Burn face begins to apply pressure that he realizes what's happening. "Ple-" but he's not able to finish his words, cut off by the large, dry hands wrapping themselves around his throat. He chokes, tilting his head as far back as it'll go, but there's the wall and he's stuck. His vision starts to get blurry, but just when he thinks he's about to black out Burn face stops adding pressure and just stops. He can feel the fingers pressing into his neck and he's wheezing with an effort to still breathe, but it's not getting any worse. At least not yet

Another hand traces down from his neck, and Jimin can feel himself shiver as the hand gets lower and lower. It reaches his nipple and twists it, hard. Jimin yells out, body straining forwards as he attempts to lessen the pain, but he's roughly shoved back. Burn face loosens up on his neck and he droops forward only to see him holding clamps. Painful looking metal clamps. "Now then, baby boy. You're gonna be brave, hear me? And you aren't gonna say a word when I put these on you, okay? Otherwise, you and I will have serious problems, hm?" Jimin is barely able to nod, but he does his best, which seems to satisfy Burn face. "Good boy. Now, these will make you look extra pretty, okay?" Jimin nods again, and Burn face smirks.

He nears, placing one hand on Jimins chest so as to steady him. The man towers above Jimin and he can feel the heat radiating from his captor. It disgusts him. Then they're on. The nipple clamps is pinching Jimins skin and he lets out a whimper. Looking downwards, he can see that they are attached to a chain, which Burn face is holding. He pulls the chain slightly, making Jimin scream out in pain as he smiles, satisfied with the response. There's a thin trail of blood trickling down from where they are situated and Jimin can feel tears leaving his eyes. Jungkooks eyes fly open in respond to the scream, still in pain he laches forward only to be stopped by one of Burn face's men. He is pinned to the ground, while the man gives an evil grin as he places his foot on Jungkooks back, making it impossible for him to move

He's crying and Jungkook doesn't cry, at least not in public. His too strong for that, but it breaks Jungkook even more to see the one man he loves, in pain. Jimin is barely allowed that one second alone with his thoughts before he's yanked back to reality, and Burn face now has a hold on his jeans. He gasps but he's flattened out against the wall and he can't do anything, can't save himself.

Burn face lowers them along with Jimins boxers, leaving Jimin exposed and vulnerable. His cheeks are heated up from embarrassment, which really is trivial in this situation yet Jimins body doesn't seem to care. It takes a moment for him to realize that he's wailing. Tears cascading down his face as the reality of what's happening to him sets in. 

It can't be real.

Then he screams. It's such a loud sound in the quiet, dark and damp room that it shocks everyone. Jimin is howling by now, eyes puffy and red and his whole body trembling. Burn face doesn't move, simply smirks. He motions to one of his guards, who hands him a ball gag. He takes it and as quick as lightning, shoves it in Jimins mouth. The howling is suddenly cut off as Jimin is silenced, still crying and staring at Burn face with wide eyes filled with fear as he ties it around his neck.

"Much better." Burn face says as he glares at Jimin. His smile can't possibly get any larger.

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