Chapter 16: The key

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By the 10th hit, Jimin can no longer keep himself up, his body hanging limp from the chains above him, he closes his eyes. Taehyung stares at the body in front of him. He will never forgive himself for what he has just done to Jimin, even if it wasn't his fault. His body turning cold as he looks at the damage he has just inflicted on his hyung. Tears leaving his eyes, Taehyung drops the whip as he embraces Jimin from behind, he whimpers feeling his brothers' body shaking in his arms.

"10!" the boy screams as he receives the final hit. His father stands up as he falls to the floor, blood running down his back from where the leather belt has just inflicted damage. Staring straight ahead, he looks at his mom. Eyes glued to the TV as she slouches on the living room sofa, not giving one fuck about how her husband is treating their child. Putting his belt back on, the father looks down at his son lying on the floor, motionless. "Did you enjoy it?" He asks making a sinister smile as the boy slowly nods his head. "I can't hear you" his voice turning angry. "I did, Sir" the 14-year-old boy shakes as he cups his head, crying into his hands.

Looking up at the two boys, Burn Face turns cold. He stands up as he proceeds towards Jimin and Taehyung. "You," he looks at Tae, who is still embracing his hyung. "On the bed, now!" Burn face commands. Taehyung hesitates, he doesn't want to leave Jimin, but he's afraid of what Burn face might do if he disobeys him. He nods as he proceeds towards the bed. Jimin half awake, barley notices his captor in front of him. Lifting his head up with the strength he has left, he looks at Burn face with drowsy eyes. "I'm sorry" he whispers as he struggles to keep himself awake. "I'm sorry, master"

Burn face tilts his head, surprised by the boys' words. He didn't think he would be able to break Jimin that easily, he honestly thought the boy would put up more of a fight. He smiles for himself as the words run through his head.

Taehyung never thought he would see anyone break Jimin like this. He shakes his head in utter shock as Jimin speaks the words causing Taehyung to cringe as he looks up at the broken boy.

Jimins body would have hit the floor if it weren't for Burn face catching him in the process, letting his head, rest on the taller ones shoulder, Jimin pulls his hands up as he lets out another cry. Laying him down next to Taehyung, Burn face pulls the sheet over Jimins cold body. No words needed just a sinister smile appearing on the man's face before he leaves the room.

Eyeing Burn face until he has left, Taehyung quickly turns around. "I'm so sorry!" he cries as he looks down at Jimin. The elder looks up at him, giving him a faint smile before he tries to sit up, Taehyung helping him. "It's ok, you didn't have a choice..." Jimin states as his voice has managed to gather some strength. "He would have killed you if you didn't" he rubs his eyes and whimpers, switching positions. "I could never have lived with myself, if I knew you would have died trying to save me Tae" Jimins face expression is dead serious as he receives a nod from Taehyung before the younger one embraces him in another careful hug.


"What is he up to?" Namjoon asks himself as he hears Burn face walk pass again. That was already the 5th time within the last 30 minutes that Burn face had rushed by Namjoons room. The first time, Namjoon didn't think much of it, but when the third time came by, he knew that something was definitely up. 

Already knowing that BigHit had failed, Namjoon had been waiting for something to go down and with it he was hoping that Burn face would make a mistake. He could tell by the rushed footsteps from Burn face, that he was stressing and when people were stressed, they were more likely to make mistakes. 

Namjoon smiled for himself.


The cold water made Yoongi gasp for air as his eyes snaps open. Looking at the man that's leaning over him, smiling at him as he holds an empty cup in his left hand. Yoongi blinks, he wonders how long his been out cold?

He stares up at the ceiling, up at one of the light bulbs that's dangling above him as he realises that his still tied to the cold, metal table, but why is he not feeling any pain? Is he dead? Looking around him, he notices two other men by the corner of the room. They're whispering to each other and Yoongi closes his eyes as he tries to make out what they are talking about. 

"How much did you give him?" the taller one asks "Only one dosage, but it should keep him from screaming for at least 2 hours" the smaller one answers as he looks over at the table. "I will let the boss know then. We'll have to move him before that time" the smaller one nods in response as the taller man leaves. Yoongi mentally furrows his eyebrows, move where?


"Ok. Yes, I understand, Thank you" Burn face hangs up as he overlooks the skyline of Seoul. Pondering his next move as his most trusted enters the conference room. "2 hours" he starts. "Nelson has given him one dosage, which should keep him from screaming for about 2 hours" he finishes as he earns a nod from his boss. Pouring himself a cup of coffee, Burn face joins the rest of his men around the table.

"Busan?" Burn face looks at the man sitting at his left side. He's wearing a grey suit with a white shirt and a dark purple tie. His hair is combed back and glued to his head and Burn face resists the urge to laugh over the excessive amount of hairgel this man has used. "Everything running smoothly, Sir" the man nods at him "There will be another shipment coming in from the Philippines tonight, Sir" he continues as he earns another head gesture from Burn face. " We will check it over and start distribute it as soon as everything has been logged, Sir" the man finishes, collecting the papers in front of him. "Good and Daegu?" Burn face directs his attention to the man sitting next to Mr Busan. Wearing a black suit with a black turtleneck, the man looks down at his papers before he turns to his boss, adjusting his glasses before he speaks " All good, Sir. Nothing to report" he smiles.

"Everything ok, Sir?" Burn face's most trusted looks worried at his boss. Burn face leans back resting his chin on his left hand, he looks troubled about something. "Yes, yes" he sighs as he gets up from his chair, heading back to the window. "Leave us, please," he gestures to the other men. They collect their suitcases as they stand up, leaving Burn face and the tall man alone in the conference room. 

"What's bothering you, Sir?" the man asks as he walks up next to his boss, both of them enjoying the breath-taking view of Seoul. "I broke him," Burn face starts. "And it only took me 4 days" he frowns, as the man looks questionable at him. "I thought he was stronger. That he would be a challenge, but I broke him like a twig" Burn face finishes.

"Are you sure about that, Sir" the man starts, taking another sip of his coffee. Burn face looks confused at him. "Elaborate, James" "I think you have gotten yourself a little fox, Sir" James takes another sip "He wants you to think that you have managed to break him, but in reality you've just scratched the surface" he finishes. Looking over at his boss awaiting his answer. 

Burn face smiles as he pats James on the back. "I think you might be right" Burn face answers and James starts laughing. "If anyone would know, it would be you Sir" James chuckles, receiving another smile from his boss.


Jimin gulps down the water he has just been given from Taehyung. Still sitting on the bed he looks over at his friend, who's staring back at him with a worried look. "You have to promise me, Tae" Jimin says after he finishes, receiving another worried look from his friend. "Its not up for discussion. This is the only way we might have a chance," Jimin continues as Taehyung reluctantly nods in response. "Good, lets repeat the plan " Jimin waits as Taehyung gulps.

"I will go to the control room," he starts. "Which is where?" Jimin asks. "To the right, the last door on the left at the end of the hallway," Taehyung answers, receiving a nod from Jimin before he continues. "Then, I need to find out where Namjoon is," Jimin nods again. "I will give it to Namjoon, he will know what to do and then I will get caught" Taehyung looks down at his hands, they're shaking. Jimin grabs them, slowly caressing them as he comforts Taehyung. "It's gonna be ok." Jimin dries a tear that has fallen from Taehyungs eye. " You have to think that even if they'll punish you, it will only be this one time. Imagine how much worse it's gonna get if we stay here any longer" He sighs as his mind runs through what might happen. Jimin shrugs.

"Promise me, that whatever happens. You will only come back for me if its time." Taehyung looks away. "Promise me!" Jimin growls as Taehyung whimpers out a yes and Jimin hands him the key. 

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