Chapter 2: Waking up

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Jungkook awakens with a pounding headache, groaning when he attempts to move away from the cold, concrete floor. Wait, cold concrete floor? He forces his eyes open and everything flashes back to him. One second later and he's wide awake, searching around the dimly lit room. The light flickering above him, reminding him of the horrors he used to like to watch. He wasn't sure he would ever be able to watch one ever again after they got out of this- because they would. 

He knew that they would.

He attempted to stand up, ignoring the pain that ran through his body, halting to a stop when he realized that he couldn't move anywhere. Looking down at his ankle with dread filling his body, he whispered out a curse as he saw the ankle cuff chained to his foot and a large metal pipe that was attached to the wall. Looking around the room, he was able to make out Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi all chained up on the opposite side of the room to him, all about a meter apart and to his right, Taehyung, and Hoseok all in similar positions.

Having noticed Jungkook awake, Taehyung looked at him with a weak smile. "Glad to see you're up." Jungkook cocked his head, whispering a reply to Taehyung. "Is everyone else awake?" but it wasn't Taehyung who replied. "Yeah, we all are. Are you okay?" whipping his head around, Jungkook turned to face Jimin. He was on the wall in between the two groups of them. Jungkook noticed that Jimin also had wrist cuffs, which none of the rest of them had, making him the centre of attention. Jungkook shook at the bare thought of what that might mean.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine- is-is everyone else? Are you?" he asked, turning to look everyone of his members in the eyes, searching them for any signs of pain. A resounding murmur of 'yes' comes from everyone and Jungkook sighs in relief. He was about to say something when they all heard the noise of a steel door opening and watched as three large men all strode into the dimly lit room, followed by a slimmer one.

It took Jungkook about 2 seconds to recognize them. It was the man with the burnt face and his three burly companions. Burn face, who was obviously in charge, smirked as he looked around the room and Jungkook didn't even hesitate before he started yelling and neither did the others.

"Let us go, y-"

"What the fuck do you want with u-"?

"Please, jus-"

But everyone was suddenly silenced by a loud bang, and Jungkook looked over in horror to see all three of the men holding guns. "Now, now then. Y'all better be quiet, otherwise we 'gon have some talkin' to do, y'all hear me?" the man who spoke was one of the men that were guarding Burn face, his deep southern accent from the states sent shivers through Jungkooks spine, his insincere smile showing numerous gold teeth. 

Jungkook didn't dare say a word, and to his surprise, it was Jimin who spoke next, voice shaking. "Can we at least know what you- what you want with us?" Jimins face showed that he was scared, but his childlike curiosity drove him to ask the question. "Of course you can, sweetie, but just to clarify, what I want with you," Burn face looked Jimin up and down, "or what I want with...them?" Jungkook wasn't expecting quite an accent from Burn face. His accent was slightly posh, very British and Jungkook had to hold in the urge to laugh. 'Sweetie' sounded quite funny with a British accent; but now was not the time to laugh, their lives were in danger.

Jungkook could see Jimin opening his mouth to speak, but beat him to it. "What do you want with the both of us and why it's any different," Jungkook stated it- didn't ask- and as all attention was on him, he fought back the urge to cower. Guns were scarier than they were in video games. "Because, Jungkook, I want money but clearly, I want your little friend here..." he motioned to Jimin, "even more." "Money? What does that have to do with it?" this time it was Taehyung who spoke, and Jungkook winced as all four men rolled their eyes. "Really, Taehyung? For a dumb blonde, you really are stupid. It's for a ransom. I'm going to contact people that I know value you, then I'm going to make them pay money to get you back." he said everything slowly as if he was speaking to a child.

"Hey, dude. Back off!" Yoongis clearly angry voice echoed throughout the cold room. "For one, he's not actually dumb, and two- he's not even blonde right now!" Yoongi motioned to Taehyungs brown hair. The man didn't even bother looking at Yoongi when he replied, voice monotone and bored-sounding.

"Oh, shut up." he turned his attention back to Jimin, who was pressed up against the wall, eyes wide. "Now then. I'll explain it, since you won't even think about getting out of here until I let you go. You," he motions to all of them, aside from Jimin, "aren't actually supposed to be here. I just wanted this little sweet thing, but once I realized whom you all were-" he sneers at all of them "- I worked out that people would pay a rather large sum to get you back, money that I want of course. I could get more money if I sold Jimin up too, but what a waste that would be. Such innocence, such beauty wasted? I don't think so."

Jungkook began to shake in anger. He may be younger than Jimin, but right now that counted for nothing. "You leave him alone!! T-take me, but leave him alone, please, please- j-just don't do anything to him." He could hear gasps from around the room, Taehyung next to him reaching for him, whispering that no, he couldn't sacrifice himself like that, but he didn't care. His eyes bore into the eyes of Burn face, desperately pleading.

But all was crushed when the man simply laughed in Jungkooks face. "How courageous of you, Kookie. Tempting, it's just a shame that I prefer money rather than your body. Don't get me wrong, you would all serve me well, but I don't want you." Jungkook had had enough of pleading, of begging, and he pointed a shaking hand at the man. "Fuck you then, we're going to get out of here and when we do, we'll come back for Jimin! And we'll capture you, and you'll rot in jail like the ugly, disgusting piece of shit you are." he scoffs, eyes burning with hatred. "Or maybe I could just burn you. You know- to finish off what was never." he glares at the man, not even faltering when he's hoisted up by two of the guards and the man's ugly face is up next to his, spitting curses. But he flinches when Burn face holds up a lighter and holds it in front of his face. Yoongi and Namjoon yell loudly from across the room, the chains rattling and Taehyung is sobbing rather loudly next to him.

"Or maybe, we could just burn you instead." the man whispers, smiling and Jungkook can feel the heat building up as the man puts the lighter closer, and closer, but underneath there's still some amount of pride and protectiveness in that he brought the man away from Jimin. Of course, the man that he fell in love with just had to be an idiot.

"Stop!" Jimin begs and looks in Jungkooks direction, Jungkook can see his face stained with tear tracks. "I'm not stupid, Jungkook. I know that he's going to do whatever he wants with me regardless of how long you distract him, but if it means hurting yourself in the process, then don't, okay? I'll never forgive you." Jimins words sink in as Jungkook stops struggling.

The two men drop him, and he lands in an undignified heap on the floor. The man turns, grinning at Jimin and then at Jungkook. "See, listen to your cute little boyfriend, Jungkook. Who knows, soon he might not able to talk?" he says it like its a question; as if he's thinking about it. Jungkook wants to punch the guy, but he's too far away and he doesn't know if he even has the energy to stand up.

"Now then." the man says, flicking his lighter and advancing towards Jimin. 

"This is going to be fun."

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