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So you talked to Wyatt 😂

Finny Boy❤️
Yeah...but so did you.

We're so lucky to have someone like him. He's
been through all of this shit with us. I feel bad
for keeping him up though.

Finny Boy❤️
Yeah we are. How should we go about this?

Are you talking about our situation?

Finny Boy❤️
Yeah I am.

I don't want to do this over text like some immature
children. I want to see you and hear your voice and
talk to you. I want to be able to read the situation and
adjust my tone and wording to match it. I want this to
work out and I honestly don't feel like it would if we
did it over text.

Finny Boy❤️
I totally agree with you. I could never have
phrased it that nicely, but yes I agree. Tomorrow?

Tomorrow. Goodnight Finny Boy❤️

Finny Boy❤️
Goodnight my darling.

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