Chapter Five

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Later that afternoon just as the sun is about to set, Dad was just finishing telling us about this guy that he was working with on the cruise ship. His name is John and he's from Chicago. But he doesn't own his restaurant like Dad, but hope in two to three years. So Dad gave him some tips on how to start your own restaurant and some other tips to help him out. And they started to trade some techniques for their food and combination to go along with and they share some of their own recipes with each other.

"Yeah, it was great meeting him. But the captain asked if I could join them next year, and I told him I'll think about it and let him know in a couple of weeks." Dad said. And I could tell that he wanted to accept it but wanted to talk to Mom about it first to see if they are on the same page that it's alright for him to go with the cruise ship next year. He loves to travel the world to try their foods to see if he can pull it off and try making it at the restaurant to run it to see if the people will like it. And if they do then we'll put on the menu. But I know Mom going to let him that's she alright going because she could see it in eyes and hear it in his voice that he wanted to go next year.

She places a hand on top his gently squeezing it. "Honey, I'll be okay with it, you that right."

"Yeah, I know. I just wanna talk about it first. Maybe you and the kids can come too." When Dad said that the look of terror in eyes say it all that she wasn't going on a ship, but then Dad assured her not to be. "I know you don't like them but give it a try and by the next stop if you don't like it I'll find a for you and the kids-"

"Hold up. I'll still stay on the ship if Mom doesn't." I said, interrupted Dad. No freaking way, I wanted to go to travel and go sightseeing, like I plan to go with my friends last summer but I didn't get to because they ditched me behind and never plan on telling until the day after. Dad gives me a little glare for interrupting him before talking again.

"Like I say before, if you don't like it I'll find a way for you and the baby and if it is alright with your mother that you can stay," I nodded. "I'll find a way home for you guys."

Mom thinks for a moment before opening her mouth to say, but finally said, "Alright, I'll give it a try."

After that Dad suggested we go to the restaurant to have dinner and also have an excuse to see how the restaurant been doing during his absence.

"Hey, Nick. How it's going."Dad said when Nick came out of the kitchen few second after he asks Clair the waitress to get Nick for him.

"Hey. I'm good. How about you? How the cruise ship?"Nick said, shaking his hand.

"Good. Why don't you have dinner with us and I can tell you about it."

During dinner, Dad retells the story he told Mom and me earlier. And then Nick start talking about how the restaurant when he was away. We had few problems but he revolved the problem. After a while, they started including Mom and me in a new conversation.

After dinner, we had dessert. I got the cheesecake, Mom got the same as me. Dad and Nick got pies. Dad went for the cherry and Nick got lemon pie. It's nice being here as a family even though my aunt and cousins and both my mom and dad parents aren't here, they will be for the baby shower and the baby. I haven't seen my aunt and cousins since spring break. And I haven't seen my both my grandparents since Christmas and New Years. My Mom's parents lived in Saginaw and my Dad's parents lived in Ann Arbor, so they lived about four hours of drive from us.

We stay until its time to close the restaurant, but before we go home Dad wanted to check everything to if he needed to restock or if something needed to be fixed before we go home. After checking and make some note to himself we ready to go. During the drive home I was relieved that they didn't ask about Ken like Carrie and Kasie did. They think I have feelings for him. Sure he may be cute but I don't know have feelings for him or do I? We were hanging out with each other having fun together, be able to talk to each other little by little about our self. As I deep in my thoughts I started to feel something in my heart. Maybe I do have a feeling for him. The way he always smiles at me, when his eyes get excited about something or sparkly in the night and when my heart started to flutter or when I felt a little rush of butterflies in my stomach whenever he around or if I thinking about him and don't know the feeling is there until now.

When dad parked the car in front of the house and killed the engine, I got out of the backseat of the car. My parents already at the house unlocking the door, I took few steps before stopping. I have this feeling that someone is watching me. I look up to the house next to mine is see that someone is. It's Ken. They both share a gazed for a very long one minute before he snaps his gaze away from her, he smiled before he is out of sight of the window.

After starring at his window for a second before going inside the house. The second I enter my room I receive a text message from Ken.

Hey, instead of going for a run, do you want to go for a walk taking a break from running?

Sure. Same time?

Yeah. But if you want to go later time that's fine by me.

No, it's fine. See ya at six thirty.

After texting him, I went to my desk and start finishing the draw that I started awhile back but I didn't intend to finish because I been busy thinking about other things and forgot all about it until now. So tonight I'm going to finally finish the drawing.

It has taken me about thirty-five to finally finish my draw of Ken. I didn't know at the time who I was drawing about the time I was halfway finished with it that I realized I was drawing him. I don't know why but I did and I like how it turned out. Even a drawing I'm smiling at it and my heart flutters little just see him in pencil drawing. And the next I know is that I'm adding some hearts around him like I'm some middle school girl with a big crush on someone and just doodling their name and putting heart everywhere on the paper, but I'm just putting hearts around his face. Lucky I'm using a pencil and not something else that don't erase.

When I got my art stuff put away and I change into my comfortable pajamas I headed to bed for the night.

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