Chapter Nine

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It's Fourth the July and last night we didn't get done making the good around one in the morning. So I only had few hours of sleep before getting up again to everything ready for Mom and the baby come home sometime in the morning. But Dad left the house around seven to go to the hospital to see how they are doing and waiting for the doctor to give them the okay to release today before the cookout starts around eleven or twelve.

Right now it's eight twenty and I'm about to get the stuff to make potato salad when there a knock on the door. I went to answer the door. Standing on the other of the door is Ken. I thought it was my aunt, cousins, and grandparents because they left little earlier to beat the traffic or try to anyway.

"Hey. What's up?" I said letting him in the house.

"Nothing. See what you up to," he said.

"Umm, I was about to make the potato salad. We got most of the food ready but half on the need to be a cook on the stove or on the grill."

"Where your Dad at?"

"He's at the hospital with my Mom and waiting to see if when she will be released today." I walk into the kitchen and he followed right behind me. I gather the stuff for the potato salad. I turn back to him. "What time your aunt be over?"

"I think close to twelve. Was I wondering? When do the firework start over here?"

"Oh we don't do fireworks we have to go to the next town over and it doesn't start I think around seven." he nods.

"Do you need any more help with anything or are good for now." I took a moment to think about what needs to be done before some of our guests show up today.

"The only thing I could think is that the taco salad, potato salad, and the cupcake needs to be made."

"I could help out if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, sure. That would be great and we get some of it done before my Dad gets home. Or I could call uncle Nick to cook the meat and then everything will be done by the time the cookout starts. I'm going call my Dad real quicky letting him about it. Can you get the potato salad started?"

"Yeah, I can do that."

"Thanks." I went to the living room and start calling my Dad, letting him know if it's alright that uncle Nick can start the grill for everything can be ready. And he's was alright with the ideas so I went on the head calling Nick to let him in what's going on at the time and he says he be here in few minutes to help out with the foods and anything else that needs to be done for our fourth of July party. Every year Dad will try to make the best food on the holiday and they always turn out right but he's still sometimes getting worried whenever he tries something new.

When Nick came over he started cooking the meat and while he doing that Ken and I finish off the salad and the cupcake and decorating them with the color of white, blue. and red.

By close to eleven Mom and Dad came home from the hospital with my new baby brother. And everything was done the cooking. So the only thing that is for the people to come over. Dad invited some of the staff from the restaurant and Mom invited Cassie and Ken. And I invited no one, not even my friends because I know they will not show even if I tell about it. A few minutes later some of the people start to show up. We're all standing outside in the backyard, I talked to Cassie for while until she went off talking to the other people. Mom is in the house checking on Logan along with my both of my grandparents and aunt. They got here close to eleven. Dad is helping Nick setting up the food on the table. I'm trying to find Ken since I at least have someone to talk to because my cousin didn't come they stay behind to hang out with their friends family. But I don't see him in the crowds he must be in the house or to his for a second. When I turn around to head inside for second I almost bump into someone and making that person almost spill their drink.

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