Chapter Ten

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After everyone helps clean up the foods and put the leftover away we're getting ready to head to Mio for the firework and I can't wait to see how this year turn out. Before we left the house we're trying to figure out how many cars we should take. My mom is taking her and the people who go with her is Dad, the baby, and my parents on my dad side. And aunt Jen is taking her along with my other grandparent. Then there me, where I'm taking mine with no one to tag along because Cassie is taking her and following us out to Mio with Ken. they are showing the firework by the dam.

When we got there, there were already people trying to find a spot to watch them. We park the car near the park for a safe distance for Logan. My aunt and they are laying the blankets on the ground but I'm planning on going to the lake to get a better view. I let my Mom know and she suggested that I bring Ken along with me and I was already about to after letting her know that I'm going to the lake.

"Come on, let's go," I said walking toward him. He was about to put the blanket on the ground.

"Go where?" he said confused.

"By the lake. We get a better view of the fireworks."

"Alright, let me let Cassie know where I am. Would we need this?" holding up the blanket bit.

"If you want." he nods.

"Okay, be right back." after telling Cassie where we beat we heading toward the lake where there be some people be. Some will be in their boats, docks, or shore sitting on the sand. When we got I try to find a place to sit at but I couldn't find one for the past five minutes. I walk along the shore just a few feet away from the people. Sitting on half the green grass and another half on the sand. The firework doesn't start around dusk. So we got about thirty minutes or so less until it starts.

"So are you gonna tell me about the party," he said looking out the water and across the lake to the other side where there camping ground.

"Not really, but alright." I took a deep breath before telling the real reason why. "The other day when I was on the phone with Cole he was telling about the party and I ask if I could bring someone along. And he says yeah as long it's not you."


"I don't know. Like you say he probably has something against you."


"Are you thinking about going."

"No, I wasn't planning on to. Do you want to do something after the firework?"

I shrug my shoulder. "I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"Doesn't matter as long as we're doing something."

"We could watch movies or play video games if that's alright."

"Yeah fine by me."

When we decided what to do we talk about something else for about fifteen minutes until the people started to light the firework off. One by one they set them off and every time they do I'm amazed how they turn out. Sometime during the firework, Ken had placed his hand on top of mine and I want this moment to last forever, but I know it won't because soon we have to pull away to leave this place and go back home. But I also caught him few times looking my way.

Just minutes before the firework was about to end something happens. When I turn to catch him staring at me, we both hold onto gazed. Neither of us wanted to look away and that's when it happened. He finally has kissed me and I didn't expect it at that moment. When he pulls away I kiss him back because I don't want this moment to end in seconds or minutes but forever with him.

After we broke the kiss I took a moment to calm my breathing before saying something to him.

"I thought you didn't want to make thing more complicated, right now," I said wish I haven't because that is one of the best kisses I ever had with someone.

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