Chapter Six

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"You look tired. Did you get any sleep last night?"Ken said as we start our walk.

"Not really," I said. The reason I didn't get enough is that a certain someone keeps popping into my head every time I try to sleep or closed my eyes for a second he appears out of nowhere. I try to get him out of my head by thinking of something but that didn't help so I gave up and let my mind wander back to him. Wondering if he thinks of me when I'm not around or having a feeling for me like I do for him. So that why I didn't get much sleep.

"How come?"

"I have been up drawing art."

"Oh, so your and artist than." I nodded. "Maybe one of these days I can see your arts. If you don't mind?"

"Yeah, that's fine." but I'm not letting him see the drawing of him yet unless I erase the heart and draw something else in the background, then I can show him maybe if I don't change my mind of showing him. "And maybe you could teach me how to play the guitar."

He had a huge grin on his face. "Yeah, I could."

We have been walking for almost twenty minutes and talking and joking around. Until his phone went off. He reaches into his jeans pocket and once he sees who calling him, his expression change. His happy look soon replaces with a blank expression.

As the phone keep ring, I ask him. "Are you going to answer that."

"Uh. Oh no. I-It's nothing just some number I don't know."

"Oh. I that hate that especial the advertiser trying to make you buy something from or saying you a trip to the Bahamas." when I look over he wasn't paying attention to what I say. I have a feeling that 'wrong number,' isn't some number but someone who he doesn't want to talk to at the moment. I wanted to ask why but I didn't want to be noise and change his mood. So I chose to ignore it and if I want to tell me he can whenever feel like talking about it.

"Hmm. Oh sorry, what did you just say?" I told him again and he pays attention this time. "Yeah, I get that."

"You know you can tell me. I won't tell anyone."

"Is that a promise." when that one specific word left his lip. All sudden I stop walking and thought what just happen until I realized it sound like I was making a promise. Even though I say I would never make a promise. But I have this strange urge that I can make this promise or any other promise.

When he about to say something I interrupted him. "Yeah."  he was shocked for second but then he had a smile on his face.

After that, we talk about something and continue on with our walk. I couldn't stop thinking about that promise I made to him. It has been a while since the last I did and I don't remember what the last promise I made and to who. But I ignore its focus back to Ken who has been talking.

We're about two blocks away to end our walk when all sudden I felt someone warm hand against mine. I look down to see that Ken had his in mine and I look up to see him smiling at our link hands.

"So?" he said as we standing in front of his aunt house. We just finished our walk few second ago.

"So?" I mocked him.

"What are you doing later?"

"Umm. Carrie is coming over for a movie night. Why?"

It looks like he wants to say something but then change mind to saying something else. "Oh, I thought we could hang out after I get from helping my aunt."

"What about tomorrow. Since you going with your aunt again tomorrow and we're not going on our run."

"Yeah, sure." he steps closer, closing the gap between us. And then my plus started to race and my heart started to skip a beat or two. When he leaned in I thought he was about to kiss me, he just an inch away from me and for me to finally feel his lip his lip against mine that's when someone honks their car. I back few inches away from him leaving a distance between us. I turn to look to see that it was Carrie.

"She came early,"I said turning to Ken. "I guess I see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah. See ya tomorrow." he gives a small smile before he left.

I walk over to Carrie car just as she getting out. "You're here early?"

"Well I thought we can get started on watching the whole season of Pretty Little Liars and if we're up to watching another tv series I thought of The Vampire Diaries or watch some movie drama."

"Sound like a plan." as we are walking up to my house but I took a quick glance at Ken house before going into mine. When I walk I see my dad coming out the living room with a cup in his hand but he has this weird huge grin on his face like he knows something that you don't. "What?"

"Hmm. Oh, nothing," he said hiding that smile behind his cup as he took sip whatever he drinking.

"Uh-huh. You might as tell me."

"Tell you what."

"Whatever on you know something about."

"I don't think you want to know. It might be embarrassing." I give him a look that says what could be embarrassing that you can't say to me. "Fine, it something to do with him." nodding his to the left that is pointing at Ken aunt house.

"What abou-" then it hit me. "I don't ."

"Are you sure about that. The way you look at him and the way he looks at you. It looks like there something on."

"I wish you hadn't seen that. And I also wish I had listened to you when told that I don't want to know." he laughs.

"Alright. I'll leave alone about it, for now. I gotta go to the restaurant for a while but I'll be home before or on time for dinner. See you later, pumpkin."

After dad left it was just me and Carrie started watching PLL in the living room. Mom is laying down resting. But when we started watching PLL I could hardly watch the few episodes and this is my favorite tv series. I can't believe my dad just saw earlier and what he says too. I just couldn't believe it. And now he going to tease me about it. But then I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss that Ken and I almost share before Carrie show up.

Half the morning through noon we are on season two almost to season three when Carrie phone is going off so I pause the tv and wait as she took the call. As she taking the call I went to the kitchen to fill up on snacks that she bought for our movie day and also grab a glass of orange soda. When I got to the living room she is off the phone but has this look on her face and I  know that look. It's the apology one where something came up and has to leave in the middle of something that we do something together and feel bad for ditching out.

"Go on. We finish it later whenever you come back over." I said.

"Thanks. I'm really sorry about this but I'll make it up to you, promise," she said giving me a quick hug before leaving out the door. And I almost laugh when she makes that promise because I know she not going to make it up she going to forget that promise like the other that she made but never did.

So I went on ahead and finish watching it but write down where we left whenever we have another movie day.

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