Chapter Seven

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Just two days way for the annual firework for the Fourth of July and I can't wait for it to see the fireworks it's my favorite. But they don't show the fireworks in my town so we have to one over in Mio to watch it.

The last few days I been hanging out with Ken for a while or my friends when Ken is with aunt Hal the time helping her out with her job. Just yesterday I showed him some of my arts and just before I show him the drawing of him I change the background. Instead of it having hearts on it, it has music notes, 2 types of guitars, and drumstick. And he was impressed by my work of arts. Right now I'm at his aunt house hanging out with Ken and he is teaching me how to play the guitar.

"Alright, now you going to play a C chord," he said moving my finger to the right string. He sitting in front of me in the desk chair, while I'm sitting on his bed. After placing my finger on the right string I played a C chord. "Good. Now for the D chord."

After almost an hour trying to learn how to play the guitar, I got the hang of it. I may mess up little but I got some for a first-time learner.

"So you think you'll drop art for music, now that you are learning to play the guitar," he said.

"Ahh, no. But it's nice to learn something new." I said giving the guitar back to him. And he playing for few second.

"Can I ask you something." I know what he wanted to ask the way he says with cautious and concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, sure."

"What would-" before he could finish talking my phone went off. It's Cole calling. I was letting it go to voicemail but Ken let me take the call.

"Hey, what's up?" I said into the phone.

"Hey. Not much, I just wanna see if you wanted to come with me to Lee's four of July party. His parents are going out of town for few days, but they are leaving tomorrow. So are you in."

"Umm, sure. Is it alright if I bring someone?"

"Sure, as long it's not him."

"Why?" I'm curious to know what's his problem with Ken.

"Because- because of he... just don't alright. I see you there it starts at nine." and then he hangs up. Now I don't know if I wanted to go if he can't, then he would have no one to hang out with and I would feel guilty for ditching him to go. And if I don't go to the party with Cole, then he would think that I ditch him for Ken. My life would be so much easier if none of this was going on and that I could already possibly be with someone without the having another jealous and to secretly having a feeling for me.

Just thinking in my own thoughts I didn't realize that Ken came back to the room with two bottles of water and a bowl of chips. I, thanks to him.

"So not to be noisy, but who was that on the phone?" he asks, handing the water to me.

"Cole. he invited me to go to a fourth of July party he knows the person throwing it."

"You going to it?"

"I-I don't know, probably not, it's not my scene."

"But you went to Amelia's party."

"Well, yeah, because I wanted to know what the big fuss about." he nodded like he understands what I mean.

After that, we talked about something else and I'm glad that we change the subject from the party because I don't know what to do.

later on that day I'm still with Ken and we're playing video games for the past few hours. And I'm still kind of bad at car racing games. I keep going off the tracks, keep hitting something, or going the wrong few time and I'm also bad at wrestling too. Luckily I'm not too competitive or we are playing forever until I at least win in one of those games. Just before I thought I was finally going to beat in the car racing games mouse the cat came in the room and jump on me which it causes the remote an controller slip out of my hands and onto the floor. And it made lost the game against Ken.

"That is not fair. I would have won if mouse hasn't jumped on me and knock the controller out of my hands." I said, petting mouse.

"Yeah, sure you will," he said in a cocky voice. "You probably still lose if the cat didn't come to the room."

I playfully punch in the arm, "You know I'm about to win so somehow you communicate with the cat to sabotage my winning."

"Yup, that was my plan all along." he got up from the chair and went over to the game system. "What do you want to do?"

I check the time on my phone and it's going on six. "I think I'm going to head out. It's going on six and my Mom probably needs help cooking dinner, since my dad is at the restaurant for an hour."

I got up from the bed standing there until he turns around that when we're standing close together. When I look up to him, we gazed at each other and at that moment I thought he was going to kiss me the way he leans down slightly but then pulls back. Like he remembers something not do or something is stopping him. "Alright, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."I nodded and left the room. I'm little sad that he did kiss me but it's probably not the time to think about it or be upset about it too. So I'm going to let it for mow.

When I'm about to head out the door Cassie came out of the kitchen and saw me. I haven't seen this morning before she left to meet a client in Mio.

"It was nice seeing you. Hope to see you again when I'm not too busy with work. You have a nice night."

"You too." I left the house. Walking across the yard to my house I hear someone calling for me. I look over to see that there a silver Mercedes Benz g class jeep park on the curve in front of my house. It belonged to Cole. "What are you doing here?" I ask him as he walks toward me until stop a foot from me.

"To see if you wanted to hang out for a bit," he said.

"Hang out where?"

"At Jackson's place. His parents won't be back until the morning of the Fourth of July, you know how his parents are around holidays they go out of town two days before to get everything they need and starts decorating at the last minute. So are in or what?"

I was about to tell him 'no' but then I hear a door open and closed. I look over to see that it was Ken and its look like he is taking out the trash. When I turn to look back at Cole the unexpected thing happened. Is that Cole just kiss me. Before I could do or say anything he pulled back and walked away to his car. But before I got to it he says something over his shoulder. "See ya later, babe." winking at me.

I was too shocked to process what just happen but something inside me snap to finally realized why he did that. It was on purpose because now it finally confirms that he is jealous of Ken and that he also has a feeling for me. After a moment I was back to myself and when I turn to look at Ken, he has this expression him. Like he sad or jealous or possibly both but he stands out long he hurried back in the house after taking the trash out. I called after him but he ignores me so I figured it might be best to leave him alone for the night and try to explain what happens tomorrow if he's not ignoring me.

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