Chapter 14

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One week passed.  I still hadn't heard from Greyson again.  It was eating away at me more and more each day.  I had no clue if he was alright or not.  I had to stop myself from going to get him multiple times.  I just kept trying to reason with myself.  He probably had his phone privileges taken away since he called me without permission.  That's all.  He was fine.

It was Wednesday, April 1st, 2015.  I'd gotten home from class hours ago but still hadn't bothered changing or trying to do any homework.  Instead, I just layed in bed on top of the covers, staring at the ceiling.  Sam was still staying with me.  She was still too afraid to go back to her parents.  So she was vacuuming the apartment to make up for the burden that she thought she was being on me.  But in reality, I probably would have gone insane without her here.

"Luca?"  Sam called to me. "I found a piece of paper under the couch out here.  Do you need it?"

I got up and went to see what she was talking about.  It was a note that Greyson had written, obviously to me, but I'd never seen it.  I wasn't sure if I should read it or not.  Maybe he'd just dropped it and didn't know.  Maybe he didn't actually want me to see it.  But my curiousity got the best of me.

You are so beautiful.

I wish I could spend every minute with you and I miss you every minute that I'm not. I could spend years telling you all the things I like about you. So I'm just gonna say in our solar system there's 9 planets, 204 countries, 809 islands, 7 seas, and I have had the privilege to meet you. You to me are 1 in 7 billion and theres no one else I'd rather spend time with than you.

You're my only hope.


Apparently that wasn't enough bitter-sweetness for him.  On the side of the page he squeezed in another line.

I'm really sorry for all the trouble I've caused you.  Forgive me.

I clutched the paper tightly in my hands.  I could see Sam looking at me, but I was just trying to focus on keeping the tears away.  I'd been letting myself cry way too much lately.  This should make me happy.  He was talking about how much he loved me in the note.  But all I could think about was the fact that he wasn't here.

"I have to go get him."  I said finally, turning and walking towards the kitchen

"Luca, I'm sure he's fine.  There's only a few more days left."

"No.  Something is wrong.  He would've called me by now if he was okay."

I grabbed my keys and wallet off the counter and headed for the door.  Sam grabbed her shoes and followed me out.

"You have school tomorrow.  You have to stay here." I told her.

"I can miss one day.  Besides, you're too nervous to be alone.  I should be there in case I need to take the wheel."

"Fine." I sighed, getting into the elevator.

We pulled up the driveway to Havenbrook at 10:15pm.  I parked the car and we both got out.  It was dark and there weren't many lights on inside. 

"This is a bad idea." Sam whisper-shouted.

I didn't reply and walked onto the front porch.  I knocked on the door and waited.  When no one came I started banging on it harder and harder.  Eventually,  Stephanie opened the door.

"Luca, right? What are you doing here?" she asked nervously.

"Where is Greyson?" I snapped. "I need to see him."

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