Chapter 5

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On the top of a tree, sitting on a huge branch, I saw him as the ethereal rays of light hit his face reflecting a golden glow. He was sleeping. On the top if a tree. Who sleeps on the top of a tree?
Monkeys maybe.

"Hey " I tried to call him but there was no response.

"heyyyyyyy" this time I used my full voice to call him. But still there was no response.

Maybe he was in deep sleep. I taught to not disturb him and try to find my own way but when I looked into my phone the battery percentage was only 2% "no, you cannot give up on me. I need you, my dear phone no you can't be dead." That's when my phone decided to ditch me.

The only way to escape this forest now is that person who is fondly sleeping on the branch of a tree. But how to wake him up.

I tried to move the trunk of the tree but the try failed in vain because the tree was very huge that's when I saw some stones were there on the ground. I took one stone and tried to hit him.

Lucky him the first try missed the target. I second time I'm not going to fail. I hit him with the stone and he did wake up.

"Hey, can you come down." He listened to me but acted like he did not hear me and tried to sleep again.
Does he have hearing issues.

I threw another stone onto him.

No response.

I threw another one.

Another one.

Another one.

"What the hell can't you stop distu......." before he could complete the sentence he slipped from the branch. I was on the ground and he was on top of me. Not at all like in those movies. He fell on my legs.

"Ouch." I got hurt.

" I'm sorry." He got up. I tried to sit but I think I hurt my leg pretty bad.

"What are you doing in the middle of a forest?" He asked me.

"What are 'you' doing in the middle of a forest?" I asked him highlighting the you.

"I asked first."

"Throwing stones on you." I tried to mock him.

He lifted his eyebrow and said "Why are you all girls very psychotic?"

" Why are you all boys cocky?
P.S Not all girls are psychotic."

"I was taking a nap before you showed up and threw stones on me."

"How can you take a nap in the middle of the forest."

"Just like how I did before you threw stones on me."

"You sure are a ninja or a monkey. " I mumbled to myself.

"What ?" He asked moving closer.

"You sure are a deep sleeper."

"Until you decided to interrupt my sleep, why are you here?"

"I'm lost"

"You sure are."

"Huh, are you trying to mock me." he turned away and started to climb the tree.

"Leave me alone, I need some sleep in my life." He climbed the branch and started taking a nap.

"Wait, what you can't fall asleep like that. Hey" I can't believe he slept again.

I tried to get up again but my leg was hurting. But still I managed to get up and took another stone and threw at him.

He woke up with a very angry expression and this time he did not slip from the branch, he jumped from the top of the tree and landed right a few inches away from me.

"What part of leave me alone do you not understand?" his baritone voice showed his anger. As he was walking towards me

"Help me get out." he stopped right in front of me, even though I was scared I did not shot my fear outside.

"What will I get if I do?" he leaned much closer to me.

"What.. do..." before I could complete the sentence I felt his lips on my neck I jerked and moved back and again he fell on me. He was asleep again.

"God" I let out a sigh how can this person fall asleep just like that. I sat beside him somehow I wanted to draw something on his face with a marker. But luck was on his side today I didn't have my marker. But when I looked at his face, he looked tired, even though he has an scary angry face he looked tired. I just wish he wakes up early.

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