Chapter 3

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A/N: oh boy here's good ol' Sammy over in the US of A

Samuel woke up, panicking for a second before remembering where he was.

"Okay...I'm, I'm fine! I'm in a hotel, in America. Today I have to speak about the continental congress. Okay." He whispered to himself, stretching as he stood up. He peppily bounced across the room, grabbing various papers and shoving them in his bag. His eyes darted occasionally to the drawing in the center of the table, and he sighed.

Sitting down, he picked up a pencil and took out some blank paper, copying the drawing of the king. For some reason he wanted a copy to bring with him. It made him feel safe.

But even after he finished drawing, he didn't stop. He started to doodle small swirls around the face of his smiling king, and when he finally realized what he was doing, dozens of different sized hearts surrounded the drawing, some of the shades in, and some even had faces. Samuel put his head in his hands, sighing.

If the king ever found out about Samuel's feelings, he was sure he would be executed. After all, homosexuality, and homosexual thoughts were a sin. Well, Sam didn't think so, but most people did. He was almost sure the king thought that homosexuality is a sin.

Sighing, Sam stood up, throwing his bag over his shoulder and stepping out of his room, going down the stairs. There was a large entertainment stage in the middle of the square, so he shuffled over to it, pushing through the crowd. He climbed onto the stage, brushing himself off and standing up. A few people looked at him questioningly as he fumbled to get his papers out.

Clearing his throat, he began to speak,

"Hear ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury and I present 'Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress!'" He paused, noticing everyone staring at him.

"Heed not the rabble who scream revolution, they have not your interest at heart!" He yelled, and he saw a small group pushing through the crowd.

"Oh my god, tear this dude apart!" He heard one of them say, and his breath caught in his throat for a second, fearing that they might hurt him, but he tried to keep his composure. One of the people from the group began to walk towards the stage, and Sam looked back up, ignoring them and hoping they would go away.

"Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution, don't let them lead you astray!" The person who was approaching the stage, who's hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, tried to climb on, but someone pulled him back.

"This congress does not speak for me!" He yelled, and he heard loud talking from the crowd again. The same person as before climbed onto the stage, walking over to him. Samuel tried to seem confident, and continued to speak.

"They're playing a dangerous game! I pray the king shows you his mercy," Sam stood up as tall as he could, though the man in front of him was still taller, "For shame! For shame!"

Samuel dropped some of his papers, and the taller man picked them up before Seabury could, so Sam resorted to repeating himself.

"This congress does not speak for me-" He was cut off by the man saying,

"My dog speaks more eloquently!" The man stepped towards him, smiling. Sam stood his ground.

"I pray the king show you his mercy!"
"Is he in Jersey?"
"Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution!"
"And what about Boston? Look at the cost, and all that we've lost!"

"Alexander, please!" A voice spoke up from the crowd. 'Oh. So his name is Alexander...' Sam thought.

"Burr, I'd rather be divisive than indecisive! Drop the niceties!" Alexander yelled, before turning back to Samuel.

"I pray the king-"
"If you repeat yourself again I'm gonna scream!"
"Shows you his mercy...For shame! For shame!"

"Why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?" Alexander took a large step towards Sam, who stumbled backwards, falling and dropping all his papers, some of which falling into the crowd, the rest picked up by Alexander, who tore them into tiny pieces and threw them over Seabury.

Alexander jumped off the stage, grinning triumphantly as he high-fived one of his friends. Samuel just sat there as the crowd dispersed, bits of his writing surrounding him. One little shred of paper floated down, and he caught it. It was one of the hearts from his drawing. Tears prickled in his eyes as he stood up, walking sadly off the stage. He headed to his hotel room, closing the door behind him and curling up on the bed, sobbing.

"This was a mistake. I should have just stayed in Britain, with my friends, and my home, king." He muttered, closing his eyes and trying to sleep, even though it was the middle of the day.

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