Chapter 21

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A/N: I'm so sorry.
Trigger Warning: Death

George sat out in the corridor by Sam's room, his head in his hands. It felt like he had been sitting out there for hours, and he honestly didn't know how long he had been sitting there. He didn't dare to look up. If anyone saw him like this they would laugh, he was sure of it.

"I can't lose him..." He mumbled to himself, his tears having stopped for now, though now he kind of wanted to punch something. Why, as soon as he and Sam were actually mostly happy, this happened?

The doctor walked out of Sam's room, and George stood up quickly, trying to make it seem like he hadn't been crying on the floor.

"H-how is he? Is he going to be o-okay?" George stuttered, his hands shaking. The doctor wore a solemn expression, which the king found worrying.

"Well, um, your highness..I'm not really sure. He had forgotten to change the bandages on the wound on his arm, and it got infected. I-I don't know if he's going to make it through this. I'm sorry." The doctor said, and George looked at the ground, trying not to cry in front of someone he wasn't close with. He felt like his whole world was shattering. Samuel was going to die, wasn't he?

"You can see him, if you would like, though." The doctor said quietly. George just nodded, walking into Sam's room and closing the door behind him. Sam was curled up on the bed, his injured arm held close to his chest, this time with fresh bandages. He wasn't awake, though. George walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge. Once again, he picked up Sam's hand, holding it gingerly.

"I'm so sorry, Sammy. If I had never sent you to America none of this would have happened." He whispered, tears beginning to flow down his face once again.

"I should have sent someone else, I-I-" George was cut off as he failed to choke back a sob, shutting his eyes tightly.

"I'm so sorry." He exclaimed loudly, and Sam stirred, opening his eyes a tiny bit.

"George?" He whispered, his voice rough and unable to go higher than a whisper. George looked up, smiling softly.

"Sam! I-I thought you would never wake up, I-I'm so sorry that I didn't take good enough care of you." He said, holding Sam's hand with both of his. The boy curled up in the bed smiled weakly.

"I-it's not your fault," Sam paused, coughing for about a minute before being able to continue, "I'm...I don't think I'm going to make it through this, Georgie." Sam was crying too now.

"No, no don't say that! Y-you're going to be f-fine. We're going t-to b-be together, a-and play with Charlie, and you''ll get better! Please, don't leave me. I can't lose you." George held Sam's hand tightly, like if he let go Sam would disappear.

"I'm sorry, George. I can't do it, I-I can' hurts so much, what's- what's the point?" Sam replied, his voice strained from speaking so much when it was so hard.

"Sammy, I'm the point. We're the point! Don't you want to pull through and h-have a life together? Please, I love you. I can't go on without you, you know that right?" George was trying his hardest to convince Samuel to keep trying to push through this.

"It hurts so much, Georgie. And-and I'm so scared of everything, it all hurts so much. B-but if you're here, I can...I can try. I'll try, Georgie." Sam sobbed, and George kissed his hand.

"You just rest. I'll be right here, okay? I won't leave your side." He said, and Sam nodded, closing his eyes. Slowly, he fell into light sleep, and George was careful not to wake him. And now, he wasn't sure of anything. Sam might not survive this, and George knew he was lying to himself as he kept saying in his head that his boyfriend was going to be okay.

But he wasn't lying.

A/N: Okay folks I didn't kill him, are ya happy? I tricked y'all at the start. But sadly the next chapter is going to be the conclusion. Also I cried while writing this and that doesn't happen easily so :/

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