Chapter 18

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A/N: Sorry the last chapter was garbage, oops. Also, me, writing in someone's POV? It's more likely than you think.

~George's POV~

I just laid there on my back next to Sam for a while, a small smile on my face the whole time. After a while, though, I heard him snoring softly. He had fallen asleep so quickly, and I found that cute.

Sitting up, I looked at Sam. He seemed so peaceful when he was asleep. I briefly considered curling up next to him, but...that would be too soon. We just reunited, after all. It would be too much for Sam, and he would probably think it was weird.

But I figured that watching him sleep for a bit wasn't weird. I just liked spending time with him. I didn't think he would mind anyways.

After a while, though, he let out a small sob. And then another, until he was curled up in a ball, just crying. The whole time he was just mumbling "I'm sorry." Over and over.

"S-Sam? Are you alright?" I asked him, a worried expression appearing on my face, but he didn't even notice me. Oh. He was having a nightmare, and just couldn't wake up from it. I shook his shoulder lightly.

"Sam, come on, wake up. It's just a dream." I told him, shaking him a bit harder.

"I'm sorry!" He said loudly, sitting straight up. Breathing heavily, he looked around, still sobbing. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, letting him cry into my shoulder. He clung to me like I would disappear if he let go, and I just held him. I wasn't very experienced with comforting people. I'd have to get better at that.

"Sam, it's okay. It's okay. It was just a nightmare." I whispered to him in the most soothing tone of voice I could, repeating it until his sobs turned into tiny hiccups, and he pulled away from the hug, still keeping himself close to me. He slowly attempted to compose himself a bit, rubbing his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry for crying on you, I just had a nightmare? I'm really, really sorry." He mumbled, trying not to make eye contact. He seemed to be...afraid of me? I frowned. I wasn't that intimidating, was I?

"Samuel, It's alright. I don't mind. And, um, if you don't mind me asking, what were you d-dreaming about?" I inquired. I didn't know why I was stuttering a bit, but I was. He looked back up at me, sniffling.

"So, you know how in America I made a friend? I think I told you his name, Charles Lee." He began, and I listened intently.

"So, he apparently developed feelings for me. Like the feelings we have for each other, b-but I didn't like him that way? So, when you t-told me that you were sending a ship to take me home to Britain, I had to tell him...and..." Sam paused, blinking back tears. I awkwardly rubbed circles on his back in a pathetic attempt at comfort. It seemed to work, though, and after a minute Sam continued.

"He-he kissed me? I didn't want him to, but he did. I l-left and went out after that and ended up going to a bar, and I drank a lot, and went home really late, and he was gone, and then I passed out. I woke up and went looking for him, and he...he's gone..." Samuel trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. I understood, though.

"Sammy, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I should've never sent you to America." I told him, and tears prickled in my eyes. I had never felt like this before, and I assumed it was guilt. Guilt over hurting someone I care about. That was new.

"Thank you for listening to me..." He mumbled, curling back up. He didn't seem to notice that he put his head in my lap as he closed his eyes, and I was shocked, but didn't protest. Though I was pleasantly surprised by what he said next.

"I love you..." He whispered and mumbled at the same time, and I barely understood it. My heart felt so warm and happy when he said that, it felt like I was going to burst from happiness.

"I love you too, Sam."

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