Chapter 19

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A/N: hhhhhh I might not update as much since I go back to school tomorrow sorry

When Sam woke up in the morning, he blushed when he realized that George had his arms wrapped around him. He almost wanted to pull away, since human contact wasn't something he was used to, but it was kind of comforting.

He closed his eyes, smiling softly and snuggling a bit closer to George. Little did he know, his partner was awake. He held himself back from hugging Samuel tightly, not wanting to wake the smaller boy up.

Then he thought back to the night before. Samuel hadn't told him much about this friend of his, and even when he had arrived at the castle, he didn't seem upset. Why did he feel the need to hide things from him? George was snapped out of his thoughts as Samuel stirred in his arms and rolled over to face him, a tired smile on his face.

"Good morning, Georgie..." He mumbled sleepily with a soft hum, not even noticing the nickname he had just used for George, who grinned at him.

"Morning Sam, oh and by the way, I have a surprise for today!" George exclaimed, and then realized that might be taken out of context. (Don't even consider commenting a Lenny Face on this part i swear to god I will murder you)

"We're getting a cat! If you're not allergic, that is." He added quickly, and Sam seemed to instantly become wide awake.

"I love cats! Thank you so much, I-I can't even describe how much I love you right now." He exclaimed loudly, grinning widely. George laughed, sitting up next to Sam and hugging him, kissing his cheek lightly.

After a few minutes of the two kind of just sitting there, relaxing. It was nice just to be together, even though Sam wasn't completely happy or even content. He couldn't get the thought of Charles out of his head, especially after his nightmare.

After a while the two got up, and Sam interlaced his fingers with George's as they walked to a room on the main floor of the castle. Sam was grinning the whole way. When the door opened, Sam let go of George's hand and ran in, finding himself surrounded by about a dozen tiny kittens. George closed the door behind them, leaning on it and just watching Sam. George was kind of allergic to cats, but it wasn't too serious of an allergy. He could deal with it if his partner was happy. Sam had mentioned loving cats and wanting one, so he had arranged for a dozen cats to be brought to the castle, and Sam could pick one of them to keep.

"Georgie, look at this one!" Sam grinned as he skipped over to the king, holding a small dark grey kitten. The kitten was smaller than the rest of the others, and it had pale green eyes that basically begged Sam to choose it. George smiled, petting the kitten's head. It leaned into his hand, purring.

"Can I get this one?" Sam questioned, and the king nodded happily.

"If that's the one you want, sure! What are you going to name it?" George responded, still grinning at seeing Sam so happy.

"I think I'll name him Charlie."

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