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A/N: This is it, y'all. Just a simple summary of what happens after the events of the past 23 chapters. Enjoy, and thank you for reading.

Over the next few weeks, Sam slowly got better. Soon he was able to actually get out of bed, and he sat with George, laughing and talking like nothing had ever gone wrong.

Charlie spent a lot of time around Sam now after he recovered, making sure that his owner didn't get sick again. George spent a lot of time around him, too. Sam barely had any time alone anymore, not like he minded.

George ended up moving into Sam's room with him, since he slept there anyways. Eventually, Sam stopped having nightmares about Charles every night.

George became very overprotective of Sam, constantly asking if he was okay. He made sure that he changed the bandages on Sam's arm everyday, and Sam appreciated that. The two spent a lot more time with eachother, and every single day seemed perfect when they were together, especially for George, who had never had anyone else before.

Sam found out that Alexander Hamilton was killed in a duel, and, no matter how cruel it might seem to feel happy that a person was dead, he was ecstatic.

And though George and Sam argued occasionally, things really were looking up for good this time.

Maybe things really would be perfect now.

At least, unless there's a sequel.

Then, well... things wouldn't be perfect at all.

Because in the end, is there really any happy endings?

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