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Thank you all so much for reading! That's the end, of course. There might be a sequel, I'm not sure yet. My next book, though, will be for a different ship that not many approve of.

It's going to be Hamburr, and the other ships, though less prominent, will be....

Lafferson, since it's a very underappreciated ship.

KingLeeBury, wow oh wow the incredibly underrated polyamorous ship of Charles Lee, Samuel Seabury, and Good ol' King George! Wowie

And.... that's it.

John Laurens dies.

The end.

You can go home now.

I love you all so much, though! Thank you for reading this book, I don't know why you read it, it's not that good, but thank you! I love you all equally, no matter what I say in the comments haha.


Ps. Check out my Q&A with the boys, Ask Kingbury! It can be found on my profile.

Pps. Sorry for the shameless self-advertisement

My loyal, royal subject - Kingbury Where stories live. Discover now