Chapter 5

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Samuel woke up early in the morning, needing to get some groceries. He hoped that he could get his things and get back before too many people were out. As he was about to leave, though, he saw a letter on the floor that had been slipped in through his mail slot. Picking it up with shaking hands, he smiled as he saw his name written in the king's handwriting. Sitting down on the floor, he carefully opened the letter.

My dearest, Samuel Seabury

I hope this letter reaches you quickly. I had a very worrying dream, and would just like to confirm that you are alright. Please write back as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,
King George Frederick.

Samuel smiled, tossing the letter onto his bed to respond to later. He headed out the door, a light smile on his face. Only a few people bustled around the square in the brisk morning air.

As Samuel walked to the store, he payed attention to all the tiny ways America was different than Britain. The roads were much worse here, and he almost fell over because he tripped on a loose brick.

He finally reached the store, quietly opening the door. A small bell jingled above him, and the shop owner looked up, smiling brightly at him. He smiled back, waving slightly before mentally cursing himself. Who in their right mind waves at a cashier? He looked down, trying to remember what he needed.

"Oh, bread, and...Bologna. Yeah." He muttered to himself as he scanned the aisles, grabbing what he needed and taking it to the counter. He paid for it, leaving the store rather quickly.

As he left, there was many, many more people out. As he tried to dodge around the many people, he heard loud laughter, and fell to the ground.

Someone had tripped him. Gathering up his groceries that had spilled all over the ground, he stood up and noticed Alexander standing over him, smirking.

"What's wrong, Shitbury? Don't have your king to protect you?" Alexander said. Sam glared.

"At least I-I..." Sam trailed off, and Alexander laughed loudly.

"You need to learn that there's no place for you here." Alex said.

"The king is in the right! He just wants peace! He honestly does, we just want Americans to live in harmony with us!" Samuel yelled, and the two argued back and forth for a while before Alex became too annoyed.

"Fine. If you really wanna prove your point, meet me in Jersey at dawn. Bring a gun if your poor ass can afford it. Don't keep me waiting." Alex muttered, before walking away, leaving Sam standing stunned in the middle of the path.

This wasn't going to end well.

A/N: I have an idea for a book but I don't think I can keep up with two books at once oops

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