Chapter 6

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A/N: oops I'm skipping the king's chapter because it would be repetitive

Samuel rushed back to his house, putting his groceries on the counter calmly, before falling to the floor. He sighed heavily. He couldn't duel someone, he just couldn't.

But the king had sent him to America with a pistol for self defense. Sam sighed, crawling to his feet. He looked through his things, finding a small black case. Oh boy. Hai heart raced as he opened it, hoping it wasn't the pistol, but it was. And now he had no excuse to skip the duel. Since it was still only the middle of the day, he decided to write a letter to the king.

My dearest majesty,

Life in America has just taken quite a turn. I have been challenged to a duel. Do not worry about me, I am just one of your subjects. But if this is my last day, I must confess something. I, Samuel Seabury, have romantic feelings for you. I apologize, my king, but if I am going to die I have to confess my sins, so you will know when you die why you aren't seeing me in heaven.

Your loyal, royal subject,
Samuel Seabury.

As Sam looked over his letter, tears dripped onto it, smudging the ink in places. He wiped his eyes on his sleeve, sniffling. This really was going to be his last day, wasn't it? He leaned over his desk, sobbing heavily. Tears ran down his face, dripping onto the paper and the desk freely.

"I-I...I should have never come here! I'm going to die, and nobody will care...I'll...never seen the king again...why did I come here..." Sam hiccuped to himself, thinking he must look rather pathetic sobbing to himself alone in his hotel room. He folded up the letter, putting it carefully into an envelope. He wrote the king's address on the front, heading out to give it to the post office.

After he did that, he returned home and sighed, heading straight to bed. He needed to be up early anyways.

He woke up a few hours before dawn, quickly heading to where the boats to go across the Hudson River were. His hand fiddled with the gun in his pocket, and he climbed into the boat. It wasn't hard for him to row all by himself, since he used to work as a tour guide on boat tours.

Finally he reached the shore, stumbling onto dry land, getting his feet soaked in the process. He walked to roughly where Alexander had asked, and found the taller man already waiting for him, with one of his friends. It was then Sam realized that he didn't pick anyone to be his second - not like he had friends anyways. Alex talked with his friend for a minute, and the rest was kind of blurry to Sam, he was so nervous.

He stood back to back with Alex.

In Samuel's head he almost heard a strange chorus of voices as Alexander and him took their ten paces.







Sam slowly and shakily aimed his gun at the sky, tears rolling down his face. So many possible outcomes for this, but none of them were really in his favor.





Samuel turned around, firing at the sky.

And he next thing he knew, he was on the ground.

A/N: check out my book Ask Charles Lee please!!! Also wow a cliffhanger that I don't know the outcome to either because my Instagram followers are gonna decide oops

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