Chapter 1 [Preperation is key]

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Herc's POV

Yesterday we had been informed that we were getting a new roomate. They told us he was French and spoke Little to almost no english, but one of my roommates spoke fluent French too so they thought he could translate and help him out with English.

"We are to expect his arrival today at 4:30 pm so that gives us a good...uhhhhh......"
I look down at my watch to check the time.

"Ummmm what!", Alex says.


"Don't tell me you can't tell the time anymore"

I couldn't I always used my phone and completely forgot how to tell time.


Alex scoffed and snatched my arm to check the time"Its 12:57 pm." ,and rolled his eyes like a smartass.

Right, so that gives us like 3 hours and 33 minutes to clean up this dump.

"I don't understand why we gotta clean up for this guy. In like two days we'll just revert back to our disgusting habits and the dorm will be a mess again." Alex said.

"Because oH So wIse one, it'll be our new roomates first day here and his first impression of the college probably won't be so good, and it would be nice to come to a clean dorm which will be his home until he graduates and moves out."
"Plus don't forget when John first came here he almost got crushed under a pile of clutter from your closet."
John shudders at the thought "That was a dark day, so many pages." He says dramatically. "and why even keep every essay, school assignment, and book report you've ever written."

"Because John my dear, they are reminders of my many sweet sweet victory of being the best of the best in my classes."Alex boasted.

"Besides I need new friends besides you weirdos and I don't want to scare him off with our messy habits on the first day here." I say.

"Wow Herc so that's how you feel, I'm hurt."John fake says flicking away a fake tear.
I let out a small chuckle and roll my eyes."Whatever just start cleaning."

~cleaning is boring so here's a time skip~

The dorm is clean and its six hours past 4:30 his expected arrival time.

"Where is this guy,I better not have done all that work for nothing especially when I could have been working on my essay." Alex growled.

"You mean the one that's due in 3 weeks"John said raising an eyebrow

"Yea that one! I'll never turn it in in time now!"Alex said in a frustrated tone.

John and I just looked at eachother and sighed.
I was about to say something until I got interrupted by my stomach screaming at me for neglecting it.
I was hungry.

"Hey I'm about to go to the store for some Hot pockets you guys want any thing"

"Hell yea free food!" John yelled.

"Ha that's funny you think I'm paying for your food, nah you gotta give me money if you want something." I smirked.

Johns smile quickly dropped into a frown.
"Way to get my hopes up Herc."He glared at me.

"Your welcome." I said as I walked towards the door adjusting my beanie.
I opened the door to find a man who was turned around. He had light caramel skin and curly hair tied in a tight bun with some rebelious strands falling out to the side.

He was talking to himself in a different language I couldn't understand. He said something in to what I believe was french that caused Alex to laugh then he turned around to face our direction looking alarmed.
He had beautiful wide brown eyes that I got lost in. I realized I was staring for too long and decided to introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Hercules Mulligan you must be our new roommate, we've been expecting you." I tried to give a friendly smile but it probably came across as creepy.

"Way to sound like a psychopathic murderer Herc." John said sitting in the living room area near the entrance.
"And you were worried about us scaring him off, haha."Alex said sitting right beside him.

"Shut up!"I yelled back at them.
I turn back to see a very confused and slightly frightened beautiful stranger. He tries speaking to me but the language barrier is in the way of me from understanding. So call over Alex to translate.

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