Chapter 9 [I wanna be wined, dined and 69'd]

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Laf's POV

Ok ok ok. I you got this, don't be nervous. Just be sweet, polite, be a gentleman. I regret this so much. Why did I bother waking up today? Shit she looked at me. Can women smell fear? Cause I think she can smell fear. I try to hide behind my menu but she caught me before I could. 

"Hey are you ok, you seem figity." She asked me. Yep she can defenitly smell fear. " I will be honest with you, I am a bit nervous. I haven't been on a date in a long time and your presence is how you say, uh intimidating."

"I find that hard to believe, the girls must be lining up to date you." Why does everyone think that. "And you said you think I'm intimidating?" She asked. "Well yes you reek of beauty and grace. Your presence screams pride and compared to me the little weird kid in school who got bullied in school, yes I do find you intimidating." A laugh a little through my pain.

"Oh my god that is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me, I don't even feel that way about myself. To be honest I'm probably more nervous than you. I'm scared I might say something stupid and scare you off and I'll be lonely again and...I'm talking to much aren't I."
"No no no of course not." I say. Wow she just as much as a nervous wreck as me. "Look all I'm trying to say is you don't have to be intimidated by me, and maybe we can be nervous together."

I try to calm myself down. See she is just as scared as me so I have nothing to be afraid of. "Yea I would like that." I reply to her. Yeah totally this will go just swell especially since I might completely forgot how to speak English since I just learned it like a week ago. And not even the whole language just enough to probably get me through the night.

"Good evening, are you ready to order?" a waitress with light golden brown skin and long dark curly hair walks up to the table interrupting the start of another inner panic attack to ask what we want. "Uhm yes could I get the shrimp and chicken Alfredo with a glass of wine please." She ordered gracfully. "Ok, and you sir?" the waitress turns and asks me.

"Uhh yes, the....chicken.....uh pArmEEshan? Ahhh pourquoi la langue américaine doit-elle être si difficile?" C'est tellement embarrassant. (Why must the American language be so difficult?This is so embarrassing.) I cup my face in my hands to hide my face which was now turning an ugly shade of red.
"Hey c'est ok je vais vous aider." (Hey its ok i'll help you out.) I hear Adrienne say softly to me. "Tu parle français?" (You speak French?) I ask bewildered. "Oui, j'ai grandi en France, je parle couramment la langue. Now which word are you trying to say?" (Yeah I grew up in france, i'm fluent in the language.)

I point to the word on the menu. "Oh the chicken parmesan ma'am." She tells the waitress. "Ok and for the drink sir." I don't really care what I have to drink I just want this social encounter to end already. "I'll have what she's having." I say to avoid anymore slip ups. "Ok coming right up, oh and its ok sir even some of my American friends can't say parmesan either." The waitress says as she is about to walk away.

(Every thing they say right now is is in French but I don't feel like typing all this)
"So, this whole time you could speak french." I asked shocked. "Yea I could but I didn't know you could. Is that your first language?"
"Oui, it is. I can't believe I spent weeks preparing my English for this date but I didn't really have to." I start to laugh away my worries away and she does the same. Soon our waitress came back with our food and drinks. We wined and dined while talking about all our favorite things from our home country. Finally some one I could relate to. Someone who I share the same memories and experiences with.

We finish our food and she paid the check. I insisted to pay with the money Herc gave me before I left, but she said she felt that just because she is a women doesn't mean the man should have to pay for her when she can do it herself. She's definitely a feminest. Well at least I can give Hercules his money back. He's already done to much for me anyway, I can't keep taking his money. I should get a job and pay him back for all the stuff he got me.

"This night went way better than I expected, you know I was actually starting to think I should cancel cause I got so nervous" I admitted. "Well I'm glad you didn't. We should hang out some time and maybe do this again." She suggested. "You know what I would like that a lot." With that she drove me back to my dorm. We listened to the radio on the way back we didn't talk just sat in the comfort of the music. I stared out the wimdow with optimistic hopes now knowing I have someone I can relate to better.


Yea I have no excuse for not posting in forever except for the fact I'm a piece of shit. See ya when ever I post next I guess (by the way I know this is a revolting chapter cause he's dating Adrienne but trust me its very crucial to the plot so it has to happen) goodbye my Lovely pears

~your piece of shit author

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