Chapter 10 [Can we skip to the good part]

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Johns POV
"For fucks sake how could this shit happen." I throw myself dramatically on the bed. "They were my favorite non-existing power couple." Alex comes and pats my back, "They were everyone's favorite non-existing power couple." Lafayette and his girlfriend had went out on another date yet again. They've been dating for at least a month and a half now. They were like that basic bitch couple, ya know being all lovey dovey with eachother all the time. It was a disgusting site.

"I mean like, did we not try hard enough, cause I swore we did something right when we trapped them in the elevator." Just as I said that Hercules walked past the door and just stopped. "You did WHAT?!" "Shit." I quickly shut my mouth and jumped behind Alex. "What the fuck John and Alex."

"Whoops, looks like the tea is out. Haha, John start packing the bags we have to go before he kills us." Alex whispered to me. "I can't believe you to did that, are you insane!?" Hercules exclaimed. "Well yeah probably." Alex chuckled. Hercules sat down on the bed, "I can't belie- ..Why did you do that. You know I'm claustrophobic."
"We did it for you Herc, we did it for love." I said. "What?"
Alex continued our explaination, "Yeah we see the way you look at Laf. With all that longing in your eyes, and you obviously weren't going to do anything to act on it. So we gave you a little push."

"That is the far most dumbest thing I've ever heard. First of all I'm not in love with Laf he's my friend, and second of all you think trapping us in an elevator was going to change that."
Me and Alex looked at eachother then looked back at Herc. "Now you and me both know that's not true, dude your like head over heels with this man." I said to him. "I am not, sure i think he alright

(Sorry for the pause my family was tryna see what I'm doing and well, you know why they can't see)

...but I'm not head over heels for him." Hercules said in such denial. " Just promise me no more meddling from now on ok guys." He demanded. " Ok fine we promise." Me and Alex said in unison as we crossed our fingers behind our backs. "Ok good." Hercules left the room leaving us to plot.
"We are so going to continue to meddle, right?" I asked Alex with high hopes and determination in my heart. "I don't know John maybe we should calm down for a while. I love you and your enthusiasm but did you hear the anger in his voice he's hurting and that last stunt we pulled was kind of dangerous." I couldnt believe what I was hearing. " Yeah he's hurting cause he want to be with Laf but is struggling getting to him, but thats what we are here for." Alex put his arm on my shoulder, "Look all I'm saying is just lay low for a bit, and let them sort things out for once and let things fall into place. Then we make our move. Ok?" I sigh in defeat, "Ok, fine." Alex pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. "K good, for the mean time you can focus and give your attention to me." He then holds my hand sitting me down on the bed next to him. "Alex what about your essay due tommorow?" I ask as he lays kisses on my neck. "That can wait, your my number one priority right now." He tells me. Awww I love him so much I think to myself as he pulls off my clothes as I subcum to-

 Awww I love him so much I think to myself as he pulls off my clothes as I subcum to-

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[Don't let your kids read this]

Herc's POV

I lie on my bed thinking about what just happened. Maybe they're right, maybe I do need to make a move. You know go get what I want. But I suppose its already too late, seeing that he's with Adrienne now. He's clearly happy with her and not thinking of me at all. I mean why would he be there's nothing special about me, nothing appealing, nothing noticeable. Besides what kind of friend would I be to break them up for myself. Thats just selfish. But yet I couldn't stop myself from thinking of what could be I just did something. Holding hands in the movies, walking through a park together, going out with our friends and whispering about them to eachother, going to my favorite spot and just soaking in the time we've spent together thinking about how life couldn't get any more perfect as we look lovingly into eachothers eyes. My head starts pounding, and a voice in my head screams. "No, Yes, Stop!" The pounding gets harder and the voice keeps screaming "Stop, Stop, No,Wait, Yes, Please, Please, Plea-". I come to realise I can actually hear that and its not in my head, but it is in fact John and Alex in the next room over.

Any way I should just forget it and move on with my life. Yeah that's what ill do. I go put on my coat and shoes to go outside for some fresh air. I open the door and low and behold guess who it is. Couple of the year Adrienne and Lafayette. "Hey Laf, Anna right?" I greet them at the door.
"Hello, and its Adrienne actually." She corrected sweetly.
"Oh right, sorry sometimes I forget."

I remembered.
"Oh its no big deal, no worries." Dammit its hard to hate someone when they're being super cool and nice. "Anyway I was just heading out and by the way I would not advise going in there." I let it get silent so they could hear why. "Oh, yeah it would not be best to go in there, so where are you going Hercules? Maybe we could join you." Laf suggested. "I was just gonna go on a walk, nowhere specific. Besides I would hate to be a third wheel"
"Nonsense a third wheel provides extra support and stabilization, plus we'd love your company."Laf continue to impose. It was obvious i had no other choice but to go with them. "You know what sure why not." I caved. "Excellent." Adrienne excliamed, and we headed out.

I open my phone and start looking through tinder while we walked. A real desperate move but that's what I was, desperate. I walked further behind so they couldn't see what I was doing. Swipe left, left, left, left, left, right, left, right. Ugh it just goes on forever. "What are you doing?" Lafayette asks peering over my shoulder. I drop my phone after being startled. I was so consumed in my phone that I didn't realize I had out walked them both. "Its nothing." I say. Our hands collide as Laf and I both reach for the phone. We both blush from the akward interaction and retract our hands. I put my phone in my pocket and we continue our walk.
"We can't be together, We can't be together, We can't be together." I repeat to myself in my mind. God being a good person sucks.

Ha you thought I was dead
Hey bitches you miss me
Random reader: no because you starved us from this fanfic and left for literally a year
Well fear no more im back to quench your thirsty little asses. I know I have no right for ghosting y'all like that with no explaination like at all but like hey I'm back so...
Appreciate that...

Ok love you patient pears, cya when the next chapter releases like whenever that will be, amaright
Hahaha...(clears throat) ok bye

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