Chapter 6 [3 reasons why]

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Laf's POV
I awoke to the smell of breakfast food filling the dorm. It smelled heavenly. "Dieu merci, quelqu'un sait cuisiner."(Thank god someone knows how to cook.) I said under my breath.

I started my morning ritual you know the usual wake up, lay down in denial of getting up for like 5 minutes, go use the bathroom, sit in the darkness wondering why I even bother waking up and being alive anymore, brush my teeth, then I walk out to find who was creating the source of the smell.
I walked into the kitchen to find Hercules.

"Good morning Lafayette." He said with a smile.
"Good morning Hercules." I said back  with the raspy sound of sleep still stuck in my throat. In other words I sound terrible.
"How'd you sleep." He asked.
"What are you making?" I question him trying to keep the conversation flowing.
"Just some Eggs, Bacon, Grits-"

"SAUSAGE!!!" John walked in and cut him off.
"Wake up in the morning better eat that SAUSAGE!!!" Alex cut in.
"Got a face full of freckles but I still get the SAUSAGE!!!"
"From the Ca-ribb-e-an but I still take SAUSAGE!!!"
"Got curly hair and you know I get that SAUSAGE!!!"
"Got straight hair and you know I get that SAUSAGE!!!"
"I'm obsessed with turtles but I'll take ya man's SAUSAGE!!!"
"I write day and night but its all about SAUSAGE!!!"
(I don't think I have to explain who's saying what in this segment and if you don't understand what's going on watch the video for context)

"SAU-SAUS-SAU-SAU-SA-SA-SA-SAUSAGE!!!" They both scream in unison.
"Oh my god can you two shut up. Can't we just have a good breakfast without you two loudly singing, like normal people."Hercules stopped them."No, cause being normal sucks." John retaliated.
"Ok you've got a point, but just try to keep it down a bit." Herc comprised
"Ok whatever." they agreed.

"Sooo Laf have you called Adrienne yet." John asked me.
"Not yet, I don't really think I should either."
I saw Alex and John saying yes out of the corner of my eyes. I don't know why though, they are so strange.

"But I think the real reason I haven't called because I don't really have a reason to, but if I do I'm going to wait for it."
"Hmmm seems smart." Hercules said.
"I just happened to notice your english has gotten better." Alex commented. Oh good someone has confirmed I am speaking English properly now. Well at least better than before.
"Yeah, I have been listening to the learning tapes in my sleep so I can be learning all the time."
"But how are you learning in your sleep." John questioned
"Why I'm glad you asked. You see since I'm asleep my conscious brain is unable to do anything but, if I listen to the tapes in my sleep my sub-" I stared to say but Hercules jumped in and in unison we finished the sentence.
"Subconscious brain can learn since its still active no matter what."

"Yea exactly, how did you know I was going to say that." I asked him.
"I learned about the conscious and subconscious brain in school when I was younger. I just happened to phrase it exactly as you did." He answered. Wow he's a smart guy.
For some reason I felt a stronger bond between us.

"Ok ok enough distractions I was summoned by the smell of food and I intend to fulfill my purpose of eating it." John spoke up.
We all ate and I have to say that was the best breakfast I've ever had.

"So Laf - can I call you Laf?" Hercules started.
I nodded.
"Ok Great, so anyway we have this little greeting tradition for new roommate where we take them shopping for all the things they don't have. Like clothes,bedspreads, room decor you know things just to make you feel more at home." Herc stated

"Oh that seems really nice." I commented.
" Yeah so, I wanted to know if you want to do that today? Only if you want to though no pressure."
"That sounds amazing, I'd love to." I answered.
"Oh cool, Uhhh when do you want to head out?" He asked.
"Umm whenever you have free time would be good."
"Ok let me check my schedule first, oh right I never have anything to do."

We share a laugh then get ready to head out.

( time skip brought to you by Brendon Urie💖)

*at a mall*

"Ok Laf where to first?" Hercules asked me.
"Hmmm" there were so many stores to choose from how could I pick. Good thing I came prepared for a situation like this. I take out my phone and pull up a list of things I need and want. "Neccesities first so, I guess sheets and covers for my bed." I suggest.
"Ok then I guess were headed to Macy's. Alex and John are you coming?" Hercules asked.

"Nah Alex and I are gonna walk around and chat for a bit then catch up with y'all later. Lets regroup at the food court at 3 if we don't catch up before then k."
"Ok." We agreed then went our separate ways.

(A short POV switch to Alex)

Alex's POV
"You totally made that up so we can plot about them right?" I querationed John.
"Sure did."
"Your brilliant."
"I know"
I rewarded John by kissing him on the cheek.
"Ok so what's the plan?" I ask my awesome boyfriend.
"Ok so what's the most romantic thing someone can do for their partner in a mall."
"Propose." I reply
" well actually yes, but that's- that's not what I'm going for here. Its buying things they really want for them."
"Ehh not really that can be simply platonic and just a friendly gesture. Plus he's already doing that." I argue against his logic.

"Damn good point, ok you got any good ideas."
"Well I don't have any good ideas but I have an idea." I start to say.
"Hmmm this sounds intriguing, do continue." John says in a mysterious tone being the overly extra person that he is.
"Well what if we trap them in a elevator." I suggest.
"Wow that actually doesn't sound like a garbage plan."
"Don't worry about it I can't go into that much detail cause if I do I'll go over the authors word count limit."
*Both look towards the author*

"But anyway how will we trap them in an elevator." I ask.
"Oh easy we rip the power cord so the elevator stops moving and the power goes out but won't actually endanger their lives." John suggest.
"Genius, but isn't that kinda like a fellony."
"Yea but the security around here sucks and the people here don't really care enough to report people. Wow, now that I say that out loud maybe we should stop shopping here." John says.
"Yeah but first lets find the soon to be power-couple and get this plan started"
And so our scheme begins.

(Back to our regularly schedule program)

Laf's POV
"Ok so what's next on your shopping list." Hercules asked me.
"Well we already got the covers and sheets for my bed, some clothes, and a nice bathroom set which I once again thank you for even though its not on my list."
"Oh no problem I just thought since well be sharing a bathroom you might want some color coded things so we can tell the difference between our stuff."
"That's smart and I thank you. I guess now its just room decorations left."
"Oh I know the perfect place to go follow me." Hercules takes my hand and starts running towards an elevator.
We step in, the door closes,he presses 3. And then it gets dark.

Ok ok first off I know I said ill be updating weekly but here's the thing. I later found out well be testing the week after I posted last. So instead of writing I had to put all of my attention towards preparing for that.(it was also spring break and I had alot of family over at my house and I didn't want to write fan fiction in front of them, so yea) I'm still testing this week and next and coming up with filler chapters is hard (that's what she said😁) so there might not be anything for a while. But when its over i'll get back on the grind.

Love y'all you Groovy Pineapples
-Your author human trash

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