Chalter 11 [What kind of fuckery is this?]

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Laf's POV

Its been months since I came to america, my English has gotten better but still not perfect. I better thank Alex for helping me out with that. I've made 3 amazing friends and have an even better girlfriend.

I truly am blessed.

But...recently, when I'm with feels like she isn't there with me anymore. She's grown more distant, and stays out late with her friends. I don't want to be "that" boyfriend. I get it, she can do what she wants, she's her own person. But I can't help let the thought cross my mind. With each passing day I feel she is drifting further away from me, as if her love for me has faded. And if I'm being completely honest, I kind of feel the same way. But she still means so much to me, and I want her to stay in my life.
Speaking of people who are important to me, my dear friend Hercules has been acting strange too.

At first he was distant and always seemed to be sad. He didn't sleep or eat much. Stayed quiet and withdrew himself from us. Now I'm not a qualified psychiatrist but from personal experience those were definitely signs of depression. Then out of the blue he seemed happier and perkier than ever. He got out of the house more, actually a lot and out for long periods of time too. Which is great for him; I wondered what made him have such a change of heart. I'll ask him when he gets back.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in.", I respond to the person on the other side. I stop working on my assignment as they walk through my door. "Hello Alex."
"Hey, laf."
"So, what can I do for you?" I question him
"Start getting yourself ready for our English lesson today ok."

"bien." I reply. With that he left the room and I return back to my original thoughts.
I can't help to think our falling out is my fault. Did I not show her much attention, perhaps I didn't keep her interested, maybe she was just never interested in me at all. Maybe I was just never good enough in the first place. I lie on my bed letting my dark thoughts grow darker. I let consume my mind until I feel nothing.

I hear my phone chime on from my night stand. Its a text from Adrienne.
"Hey hon, I've just been thinking its been a while since we've gone out, and my friend just got a boyfriend and wants to got on a double date. Whaddya say we go?" I pick up my phone and reply. "Sure thing my love, anywhere you want to go😊. Call me with time and place." Maybe I'm just over thinking this whole relationship thing. We're totally fine.
I put my phone in my pocket, and walk out into the living room for my lesson of the day. Like usual John and Alex are in there. John is sitting on Alex's lap watching tv while holding a computer in his own, and Alex type's away on it. I swear that man never stops working. I knock politely on the door frame to let them know in there. Alex stops to face me. "Ready to learn I presume." John puts Alex's computer on the coffee table then sits next to Alex to watch him teach.

A few hours pass when I get a call from Adrienne, "My friend decided on Applebees, the one near my apartment. Its not a far walking distance so we can make it there by 8."
"Ok, des vêtements spécifiques que je devrais porter?" (any specific clothes I should wear?)
"Casual is fine babe." She replies.
"Ok." right then I decided to take a risk and say it.
"I love you."
There was a slight pause before she replied.
"Awww, your so sweet, ok ill see you there." Then she hung up.

I stood there dumbfounded, she didn't say it back. Perhaps were all my suspicions true? No, it's my fault for just throwing out I love you'd like that. She's just not ready yet that's all. I check the time, 7:06. If I want to make it to Adrienne's place I should start getting ready now. I get dressed in a nice casual but impressive date appropriate outfit and leave. I knock on the door, and hand her the flowers I got on the way there. "For you madám."
"Oh they're lovely, but you didn't have to." She commented as she placed them on her counter. "I know but I wanted to make sure your treated right, because your important to me." She smiled back at me "You truly are the kindest man in the world."
We walked and talked together to the restaurant which we arrived 5 minutes early to, and waited for the other couple to arrive.

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