Chapter Five

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Nekoda's POV

My heart was pounding in my chest as I made my way over to him. As I sat on his lap, not caring that my dress was high on my thighs, I grab his shoulders and whispered into his ear. "This doesn't mean anything, got it?" He nodded his head.

I took a deep breath before moving my hands into his hair. Why was I so nervous? I've kissed at least a dozen guys, Conner's no different. Well maybe it's the fact that he's my ex best friend. I close my eyes as I bring his face towards mine. How is he being so calm? I press my lips against his once I feel his hands on my hips. His lips mold perfectly against mine. Surprisingly he was a good kisser, I wonder how many other girls he's kissed?

Right as I gently nip at his bottom lip for entrance, I hear the door swing open and my eyes flew open as I quickly looked at the person. "Woah hey I found you guys... And woah fuck Conner ooh get her!" A slightly drunk Michael cheers.

My cheeks flush as I struggle to get off Conner as quick as possible. "No, no, it's just a game!" I wave my hands in front of me face. "Trust me, I wouldn't kiss him any other way." I grimace.

Michael rolls his eyes. "Okay lover birds! I think we should head out." He says after he checks his phone.

"Uhm we just got here." I cross my arms. "So you two can leave but I'm not."

Conner stands up, his face a bit flushed as he runs his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, I mean c'mon Mike, you're in college. Get used to the parties already." He smiled, showing deep dimples.

Mike rolled his eyes. "Okay whatever. Make sure not to drink since you're underage." His brother winks at me.

I roll my eyes. "Too late for that."

He laughs and shakes his head then walks out. As I turn towards the other teenagers, none of them had seemed to notice Michael's appearance. The bleach blonde sat by Alex, with him whispering in her ear. Did he not even care that I was standing right there? Yeah we were dating, but I was mostly only dating him because of the free pot I got from him. I sat down by Skylar who finally got everyone's attention.

"Do you guys wanna play something else?" She asked. Everyone looked at each other then shook their heads. Skylar made a face. "Alright fine! Then everyone out!" She said and motioned towards the door. A few couples that had been making out quickly rushed out the door.

Alex stood up, the bleach blonde slut beside him. I grab his arm. "Where are you going?" I asked with one of my perfected waxed eyebrows up.

He shrugged. "We're gonna go get a beer."

I narrowed my eyes at him and waved them away. "Okay, whatever." I said and they walked out, leaving just me, Skylar, and Conner.

Sky cleared her throat. "So Conner, did you enjoy that kiss?" She asked with a smirk.

Conner slightly choked. "Uhm, it was, okay?" He said hesitantly. From the look in his eyes he had enjoyed it but he wasn't going to say anything.

I smirked. "Yeah, it was 'okay', c'mon Conner let's go get something to drink." I said as I stood up and walked over and grabbed Conner's arm with my small hand. "Have fun Sky!" I called over my shoulder as I pulled him out the door.

"I can't drink, I'm the designator driver since Michael is already drunk, plus I'm underage." Conner made a face.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, help me find a bathroom I gotta pee." He groaned as he checked the rooms on the left while I checked the right. After a few doors down I opened the last one. "This better be it." I mumbled and opened the door to find a perfectly polished bathroom. "Thank god!" I said and turned towards Conner "just uhm, just stay there okay? I'll take like two seconds." I said before shutting the door.

A few moments later I walked out to find Conner with his head propped against the wall and his eyes closed. He looked kinda handsome like this. I shook my head quickly and rid of the thought. I am not going to fall in love with this boy again. "Conner!" I snapped my fingers in his face and his eyes flew open, showing his pale blue eyes.

"Y-yeah?" He said a bit sleepily.

I sneered. "How the hell are you tired? It's like 10:30 pm."

He shrugged. "Sorry, I didn't exactly party all night back at New York, plus I was like two hours ahead of you guys. It feel like 12:30 to me right now." He said as he walked towards the staircase. I rolled my eyes. Did he have to be so smart alecky?

I rushed down the steps and into the kitchen, him following not too far behind. I poured vodka into a red plastic cup and took a drink. I looked around and saw a girl smoking a joint and a smile flickered across my lips. As I went to tap her on the shoulder, someone grabbed mine. "Hey get the fu-" I looked up. "Oh hey Conner." I said "want a drag?" I said and pointed to the joint the girl was smoking.

He shook his head. "Nekoda." I made a face at my full name. "You don't need that, I mean you're already underage drinking, if we get busted it's better if you don't get caught smoking marijuana."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be such a party ruiner!"

"It's party pooper."

I glared at it. "Whatever, that sounds childish. Anyways c'mon just let loose okay?"

He groaned. "No, I have to drive remember?" I shrugged.

"Sucks for you." I said and tapped the girl on the shoulder and as she looked at me, I glanced at the joint with my hand outstretched. The girl smiled and placed the joint in my hand. I placed it to my lips and inhaled the smoke, counted to five, then exhaled it, blowing smoke rings. I instantly felt calmer. "C'mon, try it." I smirked at Conner.



Omg thank you all that have been voting for my book! It makes A LOT to me! Also I'm going to be gone so I won't be updating! I like leaving cliff hangers! *smirks*

Do you think Conner will give in and smoke with her? Or drink? You guys should comment ship names for Kody and Alex or Kody and Conner! Kody and Conner are kinda tricky but eh.

I'm actually typing chapter six in my notes on my phone right now so I can post once I get back home on Saturday! I hope you all enjoy the chapters! And tell me if I should make them longer or shorter!


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