Chapter Eighteen

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Conner's POV

I jerked away from her reach. "No! You meant to do that. I just, just fuck!" I shouted and pulled at my hair.

"Why did it fucking matter so much?!" She shouted back at me.

"It's fucking nothing okay?!" I started to pace on the sidewalk.

"No! Tell me!"

I stopped and looked her dead in the eye. "Because I love you!" I shouted and she immediately tensed.

"You what?"

"You heard me!" I huffed. Something flashed in her green eyes and she quickly stepped towards me, grabbed my neck, and kissed me. My eyes widened in shock before I relaxed and set my hands on her hips. This kiss was totally different, it wasn't needy or full of lust, it was pure passion and fire that ignited inside my bones.

When she pulled back I rested my forehead on hers. "I think I may just love you back. Even though love is a severely confusing concept and outrageously absurd, I think I just may love you."

I slightly laughed. "I love it when you use big words on me."

She giggled. "Shut up."

"Make me." I teased.

"I will." She said and locked our lips together again.

As we walked back into the party again she spoke up. "Do you even realize how happy my mom is going to be when I tell her we're a thing?" She laughed.

"Oh, so we're a thing now?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"Oh, I just kinda assumed we were, because we you know, I just-"

"Nekoda, it's fine! We are a thing, I guess. If you want to of course."

"Of course I want to be." She smiled and intwined our fingers.

"Cool." I smiled. "Do you want to stay here longer or do you want me to take you home? It is only like nine thirty though."

"We should go out to eat something." She shrugged.

"Well where would you like to go?"

She thought a moment. "Taco Bell?"

"Sounds good with me." I said and we turned and walked right back out of the house. As we climbed in the car I asked. "So, do you think Skylar and Michael are secretly dating?"

"Definitely. Plus they're like failing though." She laughed.

"I know! When I went over to my house to ask Michael for advice he was too busy texting Skylar to properly answer me." I slightly laughed as I navigated my way down the road.

"Wait, you went to Michael for what advice?"

I rubbed my neck with the back of my hand as I used my left hand to steer. "Well after you told me you hated me I went over there to ask for advice on what to do but then you called me so yeah."

"Oh." She leaned and pushed the play button on the stereo which immediately a song filtered through the speakers. Her eyes widened as she looked at me. "Oh my god! You listen to Arctic Monkeys?! Since when?! Oh my god, yes Knee Socks is like one of my favorites!" She started to dance as she laughed.

"Well you seemed to like Arctic Monkeys a lot so I thought I would buy one of their cd's and they're really good. I really like R U Mine." I said as I pulled into Taco Bell's parking lot.

"Oh my god that one is one of my favorites too. I like a lot of bands like Pierce the Veil, Arctic Monkeys of course, 5 Seconds of Summer-"

I almost choked. "You like 5 Seconds of Summer?!"

A blush creeped into her cheeks. "I, I know I don't look like I do but I'm literally such a huge fan." She stuttered. "Oh we're here! Let's go." She said as I parked and scrambled out of the car. I chuckled, got out, locked it, then jogged after her.


As I walked her up to the door she whined. "Conner can't you stay? Please?"

"Nekoda you know I can't. My mom will like kill me, she bitched at me when I got home earlier." I chuckled.

She groaned. "Alright fine. But promise to text me?"

"Of course." I smiled. "Goodnight, Kody."

"Goodnight." She smiled and stayed rooted in place.

"What?" I asked when I realized she wasn't going to move.

"Goodnight kiss." She pouted which made me smile any wider. She may be a complete bitch if she hated you, but she sure as hell was the cutest, sweetest girlfriend.

"Of course." I smiled and grabbed her waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Just as our lips touched the front door swung open and we stared at the door in shock.

"Nekoda Rose!" Her mom placed her hands against her hips.

"Sorry mom, I was just, I uh, we were-"

"I don't need any explaination dear! Come give momma a hug! I'm so happy that you two are dating!" Mrs. O'Neill said as Nekoda pried herself from our embrace and hugged her mom.

I ruffled my hair awkwardly. "Sorry, uh, Sara. I'm going to head home now. Have a nice evening." I smiled. "Tell Mr. O'Neill I'm sorry for bringing his daughter home late. We kinda got carried away." I laughed.

"Oh, don't worry sweetheart. He went to bed around 8:30 poor thing, worked himself to death. I'll just tell him you guys arrived at 9:30." She winked. "Goodnight, Conner."

I nodded and looked at Nekoda. "Night, Kody."

"Night, Conner." She smiled and I turned on my heel just as she shut the door. I walked towards my car and shut the door just as Nekoda rushed back out.

"Wait! Conner! I forgot something!" She ran as fast as she could in those skinny black heels and dress. I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked around in my car.

"You did?"

She leaned forwards. "Yep, almost forgot my goodnight kiss." She smiled as she kissed my lips softly. "Text me once you get home, alright?"

"Already planned on it." I smiled.

"Goodnight, Conner."

"Goodnight." I smiled and closed the car door and started the engine and waved at her as I drove off.

Who knew I would end up with the girl I thought hated me?



Oh my god I am so fucking sorry I haven't updated in forever! It's just I've been reading and working on Unintentional Infatuation and I've just been so busy and I had huge writers block so this chapter is very

I hope you guys enjoy! Remember to

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