Chapter Two

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Two years later...

Conner's POV

"Can you believe it Conner?! We're finally back home! Oh my goodness I hope the people that used to live here didn't paint anything!" My mom blabbered while motioning with her hands.

"SWAG SWAG SWAG ON YOU CHILLING BY THE FIRE WHILE WE'RE EATING FONDU." My older brother sang in a high pitched voice.

I rubbed my temples and groaned. "I swear to god Michael if you sing one more lyric I'm going to fucking kill you."

He smirked and leaned in closer and yelled. "BABY BABY BABY OOOH."

"THAT'S IT!" I yelled and shoved him hard against the car door. My brother glared at me before shoving me hard against the opposite door.

"You're a dick!" I yelled.

"Yeah well you're a-"

"Boys! Boys! Stop we're here!" My father said as he glared at us through the rear view mirror.

My mother squealed in delight before rushing out the car door. "Thank god." I grumbled before opening the car door. I walked inside the house, carrying a few suitcases of mine in.

"Wow they didn't change a thing Conner! Wow how I missed this place! I can't wait to see Sara O'Neill again! I hope her and Kevin and Nekoda are doing well! Oh speaking of Nekoda, Conner, why don't you go over and say hello to her? We'll take care of all the moving in the furniture and things." My mother beamed at me.

I ruffled my slightly wavy hair out of my eyes. "Uhm sure." I said. I stuck my hands into my dark wash skinny jean pockets. I turned and go to walk out the door when I bump into my older brother.

"Going to see your girlfriend?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes. "She's not my girlfriend, Mike."

He fake acted that he was shocked. "What? But you two were so close when you were little! You two and your huge crushes on each other!"

"Michael I did not have a crush on her." I groaned. "Now could you move I'm going to say hello."

He batted his eyelashes. "Ooh go get her tiger!" He laughed and I chuckled.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and continued down the sidewalk towards her house. I wonder if she had changed at all. After two weeks of her totally ignoring me, we didn't stay in touch over the summer. I wonder if she had a boyfriend. I shake my head. Why am I even thinking this?

I go up to the perfectly painted white door. I sigh and lift my hand to knock. After a full whole minute my hand is still hanging in mid air. I sigh and ruffle my hair before knocking. What if no one is home? I look over and see the red corvette in the driveway. After a full minute I give up and turn around.

I hear the door swing open behind me. "Hello?" A very familiar voice says.

I turn around and give a large dimpled smile. "Mrs. O'Neill!" I say.

"Oh my goodness! Conner is that you? Look how big you've gotten! Are you moving back into the neighboorhood?" She rambled with a huge smile. She gently shook her head and waved her hands in front of her face. "Never mind that, I'll invite your family over for dinner sometime and we can talk about it! Oh are you here to see Nekoda?"

I nod my head. "Yes ma'm I am." I smiled.

"Oh please Conner, call me Sara! Oh and I have to say that Nekoda has uhm.." Her voice trailed and she scratched the back of her hand. "She has changed quite a bit, plus she was very upset when you left, so don't be surprised if she responds differently to you than expected. But please come on in." She said and opened the door wide for me. I nodded my head as if to say thank you and stepped inside.

"I will go get Nekoda." She said as she shut the door. She rushed up the stairs as I looked around. Things really had not changed while I was gone except for maybe a new vase here and there and a few things moved around. I heard muffled voices and then a yell that was quickly cut off. I rolled my eyes. Kody was probably just being dramatic.

"Nekoda Rose you get your little butt down there and say hello. Do not make me." I heard her mother.

I heard a loud groan. "Fine but only for a minute!" I heard Kody say. When I looked up the steps I saw some girl that was not the Kody I had left two years ago.



Hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far! If you guys have any suggestions or anything just comment! And if you like it please vote that would mean so much to me!!


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