Chapter Fourteen

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Conner's POV

"Nekoda. Tell me you like me and I'll leave you alone. But if you don't tell me, I'll have no choice but to bug you." I smirked as I crossed my arms.

"This is ridiculous. I'm leaving." She scoffed and tried to push past me but I quickly grabbed her hand which caused her to face me

"Nekoda. Do you or do you not like me." I pleaded. I needed to know the truth.

She pulled her hand away. "I hate you Conner Thomas Williams." She spat, turned on her heel and quickly walked up to her door.

It literally felt like I had been stabbed and my lungs felt like there were taking in helium. I looked up at her window to see her looking back down at me. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt a few salty tears run across my lips. I quickly walked to my car, jumped in, started it, and drove towards my driveway.

As I did I slammed the palms of my hands into the leather steering wheel and screamed in frustration. She was so god damn confusing! She would kiss me and shit then tell me she hates me. I parked the car and rushed inside my house. I raced towards Mike's room.

I hastily knocked three times. "Mike are you up?" Hopefully he was. It was like, what? Nine thirty?

"Yeah come in!" I heard him say. I probably look like shit. As I walked in he looked up from his phone. "Hey man-woah dude what's wrong?"

I closed the door and sat on his bed. "Dude, it's just. Nekoda is so fucking confusing I don't know what to do anymore." I ran my fingers through my hair. I saw him typing on his phone. "Are you listening to me?"

"Uh-huh." He said distractedly.

"Oh my god dude who are you talking to that's so important?"

"Skylar." He looked up from his phone. "Sorry. Anyways I heard something about fucking Nekoda."

I groaned loudly. "No! Nekoda is fucking confusing is what I said! I really need some help here."

"Oh so you're asking your 'manwhore' of a brother for advice?" He used his fingers and made air quotes.

"Michael. This is serious."

"Okay okay!" He put his hands up as if a police officer told him to. "So what even happened?"

"Okay so Nekoda came and woke me up to go get Skylar to like get her car and then Skylar kissed me on the cheek as a thank you for getting her her car and-"

"Wait she what?" He interrupted.

"Kissed. Me. On. The. Cheek."

"But I thought she liked me." He said so quietly and looked so heartbroken.

"Dude. Trust me. She does, it was didn't mean anything. Okay? I promise. Anyways Nekoda got jealous and wouldn't admit it so like me and her have been having like make out sessions for god knows why and like so I told her to admit she liked me and I know she says she hates me a lot but when I told her to admit it she literally screamed at me she hated me and the look on her face and everything else just screamed that too and just I don't even know anymore." I sighed.

"Woah. Wow. Uhm, just give her some space I guess? Wait. You guys had a make out session? Since when?" He said before looking down at his phone again.

I groaned. "I don't know. Last night I think? And then the one at the party so yeah."

"Oh. Wait. Doesn't she have a boyfriend? Uhm, Andrew? Or was it like Andy? No, oh! It was Adam!"

"It was Alex you dumbass."

"Well sorry! I just remembered that it started with an A!" He defended.

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