Chapter Nine

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Nekoda's POV

"He's eighteen, going into freshman year of college. Can you believe it?" He laughed.

I shook my head and laughed with him. "Not exactly!" I yelled over the music and made my way over to kitchen. "Do you see them?" I asked when I realized he had followed me.

He looked around before quickly whispering in my ear. "Uhm, Nekoda, look." He pointed to the other side of the kitchen and I gasped.

"Oh my god!" I screamed when I saw Skylar's horrified face as she tried to stop Michael from killing the kid he was punching.

I started to rush over but Conner quickly stopped me and rushed over. He pried Michael off the boy. "What the hell Mike?!" He yelled. I quickly rushed over to Skylar as Michael tried to explain himself.

I grabbed Skylar's shoulders and made her look at me. Her blue eyes were wide from shock and her face was pale. "Skylar, what happened?" I asked frantically.

"I was g-getting a d-drink with Mike, w-well he went t-to go re-fill his drink." She stopped and sobbed.

My mind was racing. I couldn't understand why she was so upset. Her eyes darted to the guy getting up. I looked at him closely. His right eye was already swelling, his nose and lip were bloody, and his nose looked crooked. He sneered at Michael who ignored him and the guy walked away quickly towards the door.

Skylar started to speak again. "And while he was gone, t-that guy, the one he was punching, came up to me and started saying really rude comments, I-I mean I'm used to them but after I r-refused him he kept on going. He g-grabbed my waist and his hand was trailing u-up my thigh. And I tried to get away b-but he wouldn't let me and n-nobody was paying a-any attention to me and t-the music w-was too loud for me t-to yell over." Her lower lip started to tremble.

I scrunched my eye brows together. "Honey, do you want to continue the rest?"

She sobbed and hugged me frantically. "N-not really." She choked out.

I patted her back. "Don't worry, I'll ask Michael, okay?"

She nodded her head against my shoulder. "O-okay. He came around then a-anyways." She pulled away and wiped underneath her eyes.

I gave her a sad smile and turned to walk towards Mike and Conner. Conner was glaring at Mike and Mike was glaring at Conner. A stare down. What were they? Five? I cleared my throat to get Mike's attention. "Michael." I snapped.

"What?" He asked without looking at me. I growled. I hate when people don't look at me when I talk to them.

I slapped him arm which I got a satisfied yelp from. "Now that I have your attention.." I glared at him. "What happened? I didn't want to push Skylar anymore."

He crossed his arms. "Okay well I left to go get a drink. And by the time I got back the guy had his hands all over Skylar so I grabbed the back of his shirt and slammed him into the wall. I turned him and started punching him. That's what happened for me." He shrugged.

I smirked. "Why did you have to punch him?"

"Because his hands were all over her!" He sneered.

I continued to smirk. "Does someone have a little crush on Skylar?"

He rolled his eyes. "No, I just hate when guys do that to girls. And I couldn't help it. Skylar had tears streaming down her face and she was trying to push him away and it pissed me off."

I nodded my head. "Uh-huh. Alright." I looked at Skylar before taking her wrist lightly in my hand. "You ready to go?" I asked.

She nodded her head and I looked at Mike and Conner. "Well, I'm going to have to drive her home. But I'm not gonna have a ride back, and my mom hates Skylar so she would never let her stay the night so can you guys just follow me to her house?"

Conner made a face. "Can't I just give you two a ride, bring her home, drive you back home, and we can get her car tomorrow?"

I looked at Skylar. "That okay with you?" She bit down on her lip and nodded her head. "Alright let's go then!"

Conner and Mike walked ahead of us and me and Skylar followed along behind them. As we neared the car I realized it was parked diagonally from Skylar's. "Wait did you guys see me.." I asked.

Mike burst out laughing and Conner's cheeks flushed a deep red. "Well manwhore over here tried to look but I covered his eyes." Conner grumbled.

I laughed. "Well I hope you like what you almost saw." I winked at Mike and laughed at his shocked expression. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Jesus. C'mon let's just get in the car." Conner unlocked all doors and me and Skylar got in the back seat while Conner hopped into the drivers seat with Mike in the passenger seat.

As Conner started to drive a little he looked at Skylar through the rear view mirror. "Where do you live?"

She squinted as she tried to look at the street names. "Uhm, down that road and just go straight until I tell you." She pointed to the left. He nodded his head and quickly turned to the left, slamming me into Skylar.

"Fuck Conner!" I hissed.

He smirked at me through the rear view mirror. "That's what you'll be saying in bed tonight." He winked at me. Boy, did he have the fucking nerve.

"Conner! Holy shit that's fucking disgusting! I hate you remember? I barely want to be around you, let alone fuck you." I scrunched up my face.

He laughed. "Oh, that's right! You don't hate me, you love me." He teased.

I rolled my eyes. "You only wish. Now please focus on the fucking road."

He chuckled and looked back onto the road. God he was such a fucking maniac sometimes. As I leaned against the window my mind raced about all the things he said. Had he really loved me? No, he couldn't have. No one ever loved me. I wasn't loveable at least, and I never loved anyone but him. Until he left me, then my hatred raced through my veins and into my heart.

But now that he's back it's like my hatred is washing away from me. And I know I don't like him, I don't get butterflies in my stomach and I don't just spark up at the mention of his name. But I usually think about him a lot. Did that mean anything?

And our kiss. I didn't feel anything, but yet it's like everything melted away for a second. I was probably just horny, yeah, just horny, right? Ugh, fuck. I can't love him again(or like him.) what if he leaves me again?

Does he expect me to change for him? Because I certainly won't. I mean yeah maybe I could cut back on the drinking and spend a little less time going to parties but I still won't change myself for him. Fuck, he may have been my best friend but does that really mean anything?

Do I mean anything to him though? When he gets like I am now, does he think of me? Does he hate me? No, he just said he didn't hate me, he just didn't like my choices, I guess?

I couldn't ever love him anyway. I didn't know what love was. My love was broken and shattered by him. I don't want to risk that happening again so it's so much easier to just shut him out. If I let him back in, he could just take advantage of me. But maybe I could let him in? No, never. Not making that choice again.

A hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my thought. "Bye Kody." Sky smiled at me.

I smiled back. "Bye!" She said bye to Mike and Conner then hopped out the door, sashaying her hips as she walked up towards her door. God she was something else.

"To Kody's we go!" Mike shouted and pointed out the windshield.

"God shut up." I half laughed, half groaned.



Oh my god I'm so so so sorry for not updating sooner! I'm at the hotel across from the airport right now! And so I wanted to give you guys this before I leave in the morning! I'm leaving the country in like 24 hours!!! I seriously can't wait.

And I know this chapter is kinda short but I hope you all love it! I totally ship Miklar(mike-lar) or Skychael or whatever you want to call them! They'd be such a cute couple tbh but ugh idk if I'll have them actually date :/

Anyfuck I need to get some sleep because I have to wake up at 3:30 am!


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