Chapter Nineteen

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Nekoda's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing next to my ear. I groaned and picked it up. "Hello?" My voice was thick with sleep as I tried to clear it away.

"Goodmorning beautiful." I heard through the phone and instantly smiled.

"Goodmorning. What time is it?"

"It's, uh, oh it's ten thirty. Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby." I laughed.

"Well good. What did your mom say last night after I left?"

I groaned instantly remembering how my mother pestered me but I promised I would answer her questions once I woke up. "Oh she was just asking question after question. It's Saturday right?"


"Ugh! No, that means she's off work and she's probably heard me by now and-"

"Nekoda are you up?" I heard my mothers faint voice down the hallway.

"Speaking of the devil. I'll call you later Conner, alright? Mom knows I'm up and will want to know the details." I smiled into the phone.

"Alright, it's fine. Just take your time. Talk to you later." I could hear the smile in his voice.


"Bye, Baby." He said before he hung up. I threw the covers off my small frame and slowly got out of bed and into the hallway.

"Yes mom! I'm up! I'll uh," I yawned, "I'll answer your questions now!" I called down and skipped down the steps. As I entered downstairs my dad sat on a wooden stool at the island drinking coffee as usual as my mom stirred somthing in a red bowl. "Oh, uh, hey dad." I laughed. "Do you mind, exiting the pah-re-mah-tur." I said gestering my hands around in a square.

He cocked an eyebrow up at me. "How come? I'm your father I deserve to know about your relationships." He said as he took another drink.

"I know but it's weird to talk about that kind of stuff around your dad. Please dad, just for like, five minutes. You can like watch football or something." I begged.

He slowly got up. "Fine, but just remember whatever you say to your mother comes to me."

"Okay, sure dad. I noted it in my 'Very Important Infamous Sayings of Dad' folder of my brain." I rolled my eyes.

"Girl you need to watch that sarcasm."

"Dad, please never say 'girl' like that again and please just go already."

"I'm going, I'm going!" He chuckled and left the room and I sighed in relief.

My mother turned to me, pushing loose brown strands behind her ear. "So, tell me how it started!"

"Okay well it did start out friendly and then during the party-"

"What party?" My mom quickly asked, squinting her eyes.

"Oh, uh, we really went to a party mom but we did go out to eat!" I continued, "Anyways during the party Conner got jealous and then I kissed this other boy and he got really mad and while we were screaming outside to each other he told me he loved me and I kissed him and then now we're dating. Oh but we did go to Taco Bell." I smiled.

She smiled. "Awh! I always knew you two would end up together! And you two are also so cute together also just like I said two years ago! Awh my little baby girl is growing up." She embraced me in a tight hug.

"Mom, I have had like two other boyfriends you know."

"I know but Conner is better and I'm just going to pretend the other two boys never existed. Wait, what happened to your last boyfriend?" She pulled me away from her and raised her eyebrow up.

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