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"Why do you keep torturing people? Surely it's easier to get it done and over with."

I glance at him briefly, rolling my eyes at his obvious look of distaste. I saw him flinch as the human, whose name was Greg, continued to scream bloody murder.

Greg deserved to die.

If he still had the guts to scream after I'd deliberately cut them out then he deserved everything I gave him and more.

"The more painful the death, the stronger the relief," I answer vaguely as I pick up the bottle of petrol.

Anderson grabs my hand as I'm about to pour it over the pathetic human, a stern and determined look in his eyes.

I scoffed, ripping my hand from his grip and pouring the combustible liquid over Greg, deliberately pouring the entire thing to prove a point.

Nick sends me some of Anderson's memories my way, proving him to be a hypocrite. If anything he was as bad as me, his sick obsession with revenge making him a sadist.

"Honey, don't even try. You love the screams almost as much as I do."

"No. Of people who deserve it, maybe, but not all these humans you keep torturing."

I throw the bottle aside, turning to glare at the stubborn, overly confident wolf. I size him up, invading his personal bubble and despite my small height I know he's intimidated.

"I'm here to erase evil. I sense evil. I know evil. This man jacks off to his Facebook friends every night, watches animal porn and smokes marijuana religiously," I say, not quite sure why I decided to humour him with an answer. "He thinks everyone else is inferior to him but what really makes him evil is the facade he has and the pathetic cowardice that hides behind it."

Anderson goes to speak but my hand coils around his throat before he blurts his useless opinions.

"Doesn't sound so evil, certainly not enough to be tortured huh? But after killing for thousands of years you need to spice things up a little to keep yourself entertained." I smile, my eyes however, flashing with anger when he doesn't seem to understand. I give up and revert back to my careless ways, dropping my voice to a whisper. "Their screams keep me company."

I turn around suddenly and throw a lighter onto Greg, who looks to be trying to crawl away, nails clawing at the dirt.

A scream tears through his throat as the flames melt his skins, the flickering orange beauty eating away at his clothes and flesh. I must admit, the flames are hypnotic as they mingle with his screams.

The smell however, isn't so glorious.

My gaze flickers over to Anderson who watches with the same interest my gaze held. The orange light makes his skin glow, his eyes flickering along with the flames.

He frowns when Greg stops screaming.

I squeeze my eyes closed and hum as the pleasure of another life gone racks my body, Anderson's eyes flickering from me to Greg, battling on who he wants to watch.

"Don't pretend you don't enjoy the show, I can see it in your eyes Anderson," I mock as I come down from my high. "We don't like lies, do we Nick? You'll do good not to hide from me next time, because hiding never does get you anywhere but dead when you're dealing with Death."

He turns on his heal and walks away from me, stubborn as a wolf.

He has nowhere to go, he'll be back soon, looking all sheepish again.

Until then, I'll just sit back and watch as Greg becomes ash.

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