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In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do.

//One Month Later//

"Rihanna's phone." Jane answered my phone. "Riri! Harry is on the line for you!" She said. Rihanna looks up from her magazine and smiles at her friend.

"Thanks, Jane." Rihanna said and runs toward the phone. Since leaving London three months ago to start working on her new fashion line with Puma. Missing Harry and struggling to cope with their long distance relationship was starting to take its toll on her. Being a girlfriend to the Prince of Wales still felt like a fantasy to Rihanna.

Meeting Harry in Barbados two years ago, was something Rihanna never planned but she's glad it happened.

"Harry, how are you? I miss you! I wish you were here! Only two weeks! Are you still coming to my birthday party?" the words rushed out.

"Robyn, darling, of course I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world. My girlfriend, the big 30! I'm so proud. I miss you too, and Kate sends her special love." Harry said.

Harry's sister in law, Kate, felt like a sister to Rihanna. Being a royal with all the protocols and rules, was very hard on Kate and she had helped Rihanna cope with royal life.

"How is the fashion line coming along?" He asked.

"Oh, Harry, I wish it's over. I just can't wait to be with you. It has been a very long three months. I'm ready to come home and be with you." Rihanna swallows a tear. "I love you, Harry."

"I love you more, Robyn." he whispers back. " I have to go now, duty calls. I'll be thinking of you every minute." He says.

Rihanna slowly puts the phone down. How can I be so blessed? she thinks to herself.

"Will you please wipe that smile off your face Your Highness? Some of us don't have royal boyfriends and still have tons of approving to do!" frowns Jane mockingly.

Rihanna just smiles at her friend slash assistant indulgently and squeezes her shoulder. "Jane, in a few months time, you will be a mom. Just imagine it!" Rihanna sits down on the plaid brown sofa and opens her Spring Puma portfolio, folding one leg underneath her, her dark hair forming a curtain around her face. She looks up, when Jane flops down next to her. "Rih, what about you? After your birthday, what then?" Jane lifts one eyebrow questioningly and tosses her curly black hair over her shoulder and Rihanna almost starts laughing.

"What do you mean? I'm leaving with Harry after my birthday party." Rihanna said.

"No, Rih," Jane softly prompts, "I mean you'll be a 30 in a few weeks, not just a girlfriend to a prince." Rihanna stares at Jane angrily.

"What are you trying to say? That I'm giving up my dreams for a man? I love Harry. We waited for years to be together." She pushes herself up, her portfolio falling to the floor. "Thanks for your support Jane!" She runs toward the bathroom and slams the door shut. Sitting on the edge of the bath, her heart racing, Rihanna starts crying. Why must Jane ruin her happy moment?

Jane tapped softly on the door, opened it slowly. "Rih, I'm sorry, I'm such an idiot. I love you. I just want the best for you. I know you love Harry. Please forgive me." Wiping off the tears, Rihanna takes Jane's hand. "I love you too. Come on, let's go get some smoothies, oh ... and you're buying!"

"Damn, that was fast. Your emotions are worse than mines and I'm the pregnant one." Jane said laughing.

|Rihanna's New York apartment|

|Rihanna's New York apartment|

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Harry POV

Three days after Rihanna's birthday party. Rihanna and Harry laid in bed.

We lay in bed. I put in a movie in. I was trying to watch it. But I kept stealing glances at this gorgeous thing in the bed. I wonder what's going through her mind right now. I hope it's good. I love her. I seriously do, maybe that's why I told her.

"Robyn, I don't want you to think, I'm rushing you. I love you like you don't even know. I just don't want to hurt you. I love you Robyn." I said.

She did the single most surprising yet, wonderful thing she could have ever done. She kissed me. Hard.

"I love you too, Harry." She said.

We spent the whole night, in each other arms. I love this girl so much. A Saturday night can't get any better then this.

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