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God just has a way of working things out the way he wants to and you have no say in that. — Rihanna

As the temperatures of March grew warmer, Rihanna had been splitting her time between the States and England in an attempt to juggle her time with Harry.

When she was fulfilling her work obligations back home in the US, she and Harry did their best to overcome the time differences in order to communicate. There were text messages, phone calls and some FaceTime sessions. Some days, Rihanna lost out on some sleep to say good morning and others, Harry would wait to close his eyes for the night in order to see just how her day went. Their conversations were colorful and informational. Some days it felt as if they were playing a game of Twenty Questions, other days would be one or the either describing their days in full detail.

All in all, things were going well for the new couple. And both couldn't wait for her plane to touch down that late March night.

Rihanna kept her sunglasses on despite that her plane landed well after the sun had set in England

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Rihanna kept her sunglasses on despite that her plane landed well after the sun had set in England. She had on a pair of ripped jeans, a buttoned down dress blouse as she left for the airport. She kept her eyes glued to the ground below her as she pulled her carry on behind her through the terminal. For the next two weeks she was allowed some time off which gave her the excuse to go to London, a vacation she had called it despite everyone from her family to Jay and Jane knew she was just going to be with Harry.

But they didn't give her too much trouble, this would be one her last consecutive days off once the ablum was released so they all kept their mouths shut and just wiggled their eyes suggestively at her as they wished her good bye. Heathrow Airport was full of travelers coming and going, who didn't seem to mind her or pay any attention to her celebrity. She shrugged it off as she stopped to grab her phone from her bag and text Harry. He had promised to fetch her from the airport and so far she had yet to hear from him.

Heading to grab my suitcases.

[Received] HarryLove
Pulling in to park, I'll meet you at baggage claim.


[Received] HarryLove

She smiled as she threw the device back into the depths of her bag. She had been to Heathrow enough times now to know that it would take Harry longer to park and get to the baggage claim then it would for her to grab her bag so she figured she would stop for some coffee to help wake her up.

It had been an early wake up call that morning and a long flight, so the caffeine was welcomed and needed. She stopped into a small little newspaper stand that had a coffee pot and the shortest line, hoping to avoid any of the larger coffee stands and their crowds. The woman behind the counter nodded at her as she entered, causing Rihanna to return a small smile as she found the coffee pot and cups. She carefully poured a cup, placing the lid on firmly and walked around the little stand. She skimmed past the snacks and sweets over to the magazines and newspapers.

The faces of actors, actresses and musicians peered up at her from the glossy covers and the headlines of the papers seemed to all tell the tale of the same story. But it was the blurry photo of a tabloid magazine that caught her interest and sent her into panic mode. The picture was grainy at best showing a man wearing a suit leading a lady into a private room. She knew immediately it was her and Harry. The picture must have been taken at the Liverpool charity concert. The picture showed Harry's face despite the quality of the photo but her face was not in the picture. The photographer must have snapped the photo just as she disappeared into the room and out of the frame.

All that was there of her was the back of her white dress and anyone there that night would be able to identify her. The headlines screamed back at her about who was Harry's mystery lady and of secret rendezvous. She shook her head and grabbed the tabloid, as her panic now made her double check those around her. She placed her items on the counter and she paid for the coffee and left the magazine.

The baggage claim was relatively empty, as most of her fellow passengers had retrieved their belongings and booked it out of the airport. A few lone bags circled the belt and hers came into view about the same time Harry's trusted RPO did and a casually dressed Prince, undercover. She set her coffee down on the floor beside her and picked her bag from the never ending circle. She hurriedly made her way to Harry, briefly hugging him hello.

"Oh HarHar," she chirped, "It's so good to see you!" She kissed his cheek and bit her lip to keep herself from bursting out laughing.

"HarHar," Harry questioned. She simply shrugged and grabbed her bag.

"I got it." Rihanna let him take her bag and set the pace as they left the airport. It was lightly misting when she made it outside into the spring night air. She drew in a deep breath, enjoying the smell and feeling of fresh air in her lungs. The trip from the States to England was a long time to be stuck in a germ ridden plane with nothing but recycled air. They strode through the parking lot silently, the sound of RPO Ben's shoes on the pavement.

"I figured we could just stay in tonight," Harry spoke up, as the wipers brought her attention back to the front of the car, "I have dinner already taken care of and I figured since its been a long day you would want to take it easy." She raised her eyebrows up at him.

"That sounds good." And that's what she had been hoping for. She didn't want to have to get dressed up nicely to go out to dinner or spend time in a loud and over crowded club. She didn't fly almost thirty five hundred miles to spend time with him in view of the public. She wanted to be alone with him.

To reconnect where they had left off when she had to go back to the states a few weeks back. She wanted his lips on hers and her hands in his hair, among other things. The small smile that washed over Harry's face gave away that he too wanted the same things. Truth be told, he had no intentions of sharing her with the world for the majority of her off time. He wanted to make the most of her trip, even if it meant holing up in a bedroom at Kensington Palace.

By the time they reached the gates of Kensington Palace, Harry was itching to kiss the girl beside him and Rihanna was painfully trying to control herself from jumping him in the car. She did her best to pay attention to the scenery around her from the guards to the flowers to the gates swinging open. But what got her was what Harry said before they approached.

"Get down and cover your head." And that's when she saw the entire lot of paparazzi starting to get whiff that Harry's car was approaching. She ducked down and covered her head with a jacket Harry had provided, thankfully before the bulbs started to flash. She sucked in a sharp breath and held it while they slowly passed through the throngs of cameras and yelling.

"Harry! Harry! Who's the new girl," screamed one male pap.

"Come on! We know she's in there!" They were hands banging on the Windows as Rihanna laid frozen in the passenger seat floor and Harry pushed through. She could hear Harry swear a few times under his breath as the crowd did their best to get him to react. But he pressed on, navigating the car through the crowd and through the gate until at last, they were safe out of view and at Harry's apartment. She felt the car stop but didn't move until Harry plucked the jacket from her head, leaving her black hair a mess with pieces falling into her face carelessly.

"God, those people don't have a life." Rihanna said, as she fixes her hair.

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